Showing Collections: 161 - 170 of 417
Gore Cooper Family Papers
This collection contains photocopies of some of William Bryant Cooper’s public papers. Included is a statement of his campaign expenses in 1920 and a letter and accompanying voucher for $6.00 for Cooper’s last day of service as President of the North Carolina State Senate Session of 1925. Cooper, a Democrat from New Hanover County, served as Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina from 1921-1925. As such, he presided over the State Senate for the two regular and two special sessions.
Governor John W. Ellis Proclamation
A copy of a rare broadside calling the North Carolina legislature into special session was issued by Gov. John W. Ellis on April 17, 1861. The session was called as a result of Abraham Lincoln's call to arms "for the invasion of the peaceful homes of the South....." Only one original is known to exist (according to the donor) from which this copy was made.
Governor Philip F. Thomas Proclamation
Philip Francis Thomas, the Governor of Maryland, issued a proclamation that Thursday, November 23, 1848 was a "day of thanksgiving to ALMIGHTY GOD, to be kept and observed by the good people of the State of Maryland..." The document bears no official seal but it is dated October 13, 1848. The lower left-hand corner does include the statement: By the Governor, R.C. Hollyday, Secretary of State.
Grainger Family Papers
Contains historical letters, deeds, and documents belonging to the Grainger family of Wilmington, NC, including deeds from Eagle Island and correspondence with American historian John Hope Franklin regarding the 1898 Wilmington race riot.
H. J. Southwell Murder Correspondence
Hannah Soloman Block Collection
This collection consists of letters, cards, invitations, programs, news clippings and full length newspapers, magazines, postcards, notes, and a manuscript. Three albums of photos, political and pageant buttons, letters, and awards are included in these albums. Also included are WWII-era items such as Civil Defense ID cards, Red Cross membership materials, ration books for food and gasoline, V-mail, and information on USO dances.
Harmon C. Rorison Private Papers
Harry Lee Davis Papers
This collection contains the papers of Wilmington artist Harry Lee Davis (1949-2018). Included newspaper articles, correspondence, business agreements, and publicity materials documenting his career as an artist with an emphasis on local exhibition and marketing. Additionally, this collection contains limited edition prints of Davis' work.
Helen Bayley Davis Collection
This collection contains eight books of poetry by Helen Bayley Davis. Notes included indicate where poems have been published. The poetry ranges from 1911-1958. The collection also contains correspondence.