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Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 417

2nd Presbyterian Church Ledger

Identifier: SC-MS-258
Scope and Contents

This collection contains a financial ledger from the 2nd Presbyterian Church in Wilmington, NC, belonging to Oscar Pearsall, the treasurer.

Dates: 1846-1887

8th Regiment Artillery Troops Roster

Identifier: SC-MS-047
Scope and Contents

This document is a roster of the Union troops of the 8th Regiment Artillery of New York commanded by Colonel James M. Watson as of February 1865. W.S. Williamson was listed as the adjutant. It lists the number of men lost during service by disease or mortal wounds.

Dates: 1865 February

19th Century Onslow County Records

Identifier: SC-MS-302
Scope and Contents

Official documents from Onslow County, North Carolina from the late 1700s to the early 1900s. Items include letters, deeds, maps, and contracts.

Dates: 1787-1908, undated

1493 Deed

Identifier: SC-MS-117
Scope and Contents

1493 deed written in an undetermined language on vellum.

Dates: 1493 May 5

1898 Foundation Papers

Identifier: SC-MS-217
Scope and Contents This collection contains materials created by the 1898 Foundation, Inc., formerly the 1898 Centennial Foundation, a nonprofit organization focused on commemorating Wilmington’s 1898 Coup D’état and Massacre, as well as promoting community unity and fostering economic inclusion. Materials pertain to Foundation’s establishment, the programming and activities that reached a crescendo during the 1998 centennial, and the Foundation’s events following the centennial, which culminated in the...
Dates: 1898-1994 (photocopies), 1995-2009

A Balkan Sketchbook by Claude Howell

Identifier: SC-MS-063
Scope and Contents

This collection contains the galley, with artist's handwritten corrections for A Balkan Sketchbook by Claude Howell and fifteen (15) leaves (30 sketches) of the original sketches. The book was published as a first and only edition in December 1977. The edition was limited to 500 signed and numbered copies.

Dates: 1977

A Communication by Mrs. Roger Moore

Identifier: SC-MS-130
Scope and Contents In her four page letter, which appeared to be directed to the local newspaper, the Wilmington Messenger, Mrs. Susan Moore, wife of Roger, took issue with an earlier story in the Elm City Mirror which had claimed that the leader of the "revolution of 1898 in Wilmington" was Colonel Alfred M. Waddell (1834-1912). According to Moore, the leaders were in fact her husband, Colonel Roger Moore and Doctor J. E. Matthews, and that Waddell was not informed of the movement's plans until after his...
Dates: 1899, 1973

A Comparative Statement of Expenditures

Identifier: SC-MS-088
Scope and Contents

This collection contains a published statement that compares expenditures in North Carolina under Republican and Democratic control for each Fiscal Year beginning 1868, ending Sept. 30, 1880.

Dates: circa 1880

"A Memoir," Remembrances of a young life in "Old Russia" 1881 - 1917

 Collection — Box: Misc. MS Box 3, Folder: 1
Identifier: SC-MS-191
Scope and Contents This copy of a memoir, written as an historical legacy for children and grandchildren is important in revealing a clear and emotional narrative of the harshness of life for Jews in Russia, under two Czars. As the daughter of an upper middle class business man, Vera Lisovkaia Budnitzky and her family enjoyed many privileges not known to most Jews until the death of her father. Her account of the survival of a woman without the protection of a man as father or husband, and the harsh class...
Dates: Other: Dummy Date

Abstract of Votes Certification

Identifier: SC-MS-080
Scope and Contents

This collection contains two copies of "Abstract of Votes Cast At An Election Held For Governor And State Officers, On Tuesday, November 2, 1880, In The State Of North Carolina". The reverse side of the abstracts contain information regarding the "Comparative Vote of North Carolina for 1876 and 1889. Including the Vote for Members of Congress at the Late Election". The copies were certified by the Board of State Canvassers on November 27, 1880.

Dates: 1880

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Special Collections 404
University Archives 13
Wilmington (N.C.) 68
Arts 50
World War, 1939-1945 37
correspondence 37
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 36
∨ more
Religion 31
Authors 28
New Hanover County (N.C.) 24
Universities and colleges -- Faculty 21
photocopies 21
Artists 20
United States -- Politics and government -- Sources 20
University of North Carolina, Wilmington -- History -- Sources 18
Music 16
New Hanover County (N.C.) -- History -- Sources 15
North Carolina -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Sources 15
Political 15
Politicians 15
Public universities and colleges 14
Wilmington (N.C.) -- History -- 20th century 14
Education -- North Carolina 13
Education, Higher 13
Families -- North Carolina -- New Hanover County 13
Universities and colleges -- Administration 13
Wilmington (N.C.) -- History -- 19th century 13
deeds 13
photographs 12
Artists -- North Carolina -- New Hanover County 11
Wilmington Massacre, Wilmington, N.C., 1898 11
North Carolina 10
World War, 1939-1945 -- History -- Sources 10
newspapers 10
Brunswick County (N.C.) 9
Civil rights movements -- United States 9
Education -- New Hanover County (N.C.) 9
North Carolina -- Politics and government 9
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Personal narratives 9
World War, 1914-1918 9
Feature films 7
Onslow County (N.C.) 7
Theater 7
postcards 7
sheet music 7
African Americans -- North Carolina -- Wilmington -- History 6
Drawings (visual works) 6
Duplin County (N.C.) -- History -- Sources 6
Manuscripts 6
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Sources 6
Wilmington (N.C.) -- Race relations 6
Wilmington College -- History -- Sources 6
African Americans -- North Carolina -- New Hanover County -- History 5
Business enterprises -- North Carolina -- Wilmington 5
Columbus County (N.C.) 5
Nonprofit organizations 5
Poetry 5
Presidential candidates 5
School integration 5
Wrightsville Beach (N.C.) 5
prints (visual works) 5
Business records 4
Confederate States of America -- History -- Sources 4
Military chaplains 4
Motion picture plays 4
New Hanover County (N.C.) -- Church history -- 19th century 4
Nursing schools 4
Pearl Harbor (Hawaii), Attack on, 1941 4
Political Campaigns -- North Carolina 4
Presbyterian Church 4
Southport (N.C.) 4
Universities and colleges -- Planning 4
World War, 1914-1918 -- History -- Sources 4
broadsides (notices) 4
African American veterans 3
Art -- History 3
Atlantic Coast (N.C.) 3
Camp Lejeune (N.C.) 3
Carolina Beach (N.C.) 3
Church Membership 3
College administrators 3
College students 3
Dance 3
Economic development 3
Families 3
Feature films -- North Carolina -- Wilmington 3
Festivals -- North Carolina -- Wilmington 3
Football 3
Fort Fisher (N.C.) 3
Indians of North America 3
Korean War, 1950-1953 3
Legislators -- North Carolina 3
Methodist Church 3
Money -- Confederate States of America 3
North Carolina--History--19th century 3
Photography 3
Physicians -- North Carolina -- Wilmington 3
Presidents -- Election 3
Slavery 3
Special events 3
Television scripts 3
United States -- Armed Forces -- Military life 3
+ ∧ less
English 414
German 8
French 5
Japanese 4
Spanish; Castilian 4
∨ more  
University of North Carolina, Wilmington 43
Wilmington College 24
James Walker Memorial Hospital 7
Howell, Claude, 1915-1997 6
Randall, William M. (William Madison), 1899-1984 6
∨ more
United States. Army 6
New Hanover High School (Wilmington, N.C.) 5
Thalian Hall (Wilmington, N.C.) 5
Wilmington College. Board of Trustees 5
Bellamy, Heyward C., Dr., 1924-2014 4
Episcopal Church 4
Jones, Wilbur D., 1934- 4
Lennon, Alton, 1906-1986 4
United States. Navy 4
1898 Centennial Foundation (Wilmington, N.C.) 3
Bissette, Samuel D., 1921-2005 3
Burney, John Jay, Jr., 1924-2010 3
Community Hospital (Wilmington, NC) 3
Inman, Will, 1923-2009 3
North Carolina Azalea Festival (1948-) 3
Rehder, Jessie 3
University of North Carolina, Wilmington. Board of Trustees 3
Wagoner, William H., 1927-1999 3
Bellamy Mansion Museum 2
Bellamy family 2
Bellamy, John Dillard, 1853-1942 2
Berkman, Jack I., 1908-1999 2
Bethell, M. Eloise 2
Block, Susan Taylor, 1951- 2
Brauer, Friedrich 2
Eaton, Hubert A., Dr. (Hubert Arthur), 1916-1991 2
Episcopal Church. Diocese of East Carolina 2
Hamilton, Thomas T. (Thomas Tristam), 1900- 2
High, Daniel Pinkney, 1843-1912 2
Hoggard, John Thomas, 1876-1965 2
Johnson, Andrew, 1808-1875 2
Jones, Pembroke, 1858-1919 2
Jones, Viola Murrell 2
League of Women Voters of the Lower Cape Fear 2
Lower Cape Fear Historical Society 2
MacRae, Hugh, 1865-1951 2
Major League Baseball (Organization) 2
Martin, Silas N. (Silas Nelson), 1828-1877 2
Murchison, David R. (David Reid), 1837-1882 2
National Collegiate Athletic Association 2
National Football League 2
Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company 2
North Carolina Coastal Federation 2
North Carolina Shipbuilding Company 2
North Carolina State Ports Authority 2
Pearsall family 2
Pearsall, Oscar, 1849-1925 2
Rehder, Stanley (George Stanley), 1922-2012 2
Republican Party (U.S. : 1854- ) 2
Rorison, Harmon Chadbourn, 1893-1976 2
Rotary International 2
Sanford, Terry, 1917-1998 2
Sister Cities International 2
St. Andrews-Covenant Presbyterian Church (Wilmington, N.C.) 2
Thomas, Cornelius (Neal) Dickinson, 1920-2005 2
United States. Air Force 2
United States. Congress. 2
University of North Carolina at Wilmington. Division of Academic Affairs 2
University of North Carolina, Wilmington. Department of Philosophy and Religion 2
Waddell, Alfred M. (Alfred Moore), 1834-1912 2
Wallace, George C. (George Corley), 1919-1998 2
Wilkes, Paul, 1938- 2
Wood, Thomas Fanning, 1841-1892 2
Zachary, Hugh, 1928-2016 2
Zebulon B. Vance (Liberty ship) 2
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church 1
Ainsley, W. Frank, Jr. (William Frank), 1944-2010 1
Albritton, Jana, 1954- 1
Alderman, Edwin Anderson, 1861-1931 1
Allsbrook, O.O. (Ogden Olmstead), 1899-1974 1
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority 1
American Business Women's Association 1
American Council of the Blind 1
American Institute of Architects 1
American Legion. Auxiliary 1
American Philosophical Society 1
American Tennis Association 1
Anderson, Ryan K. 1
AnimEigo, Inc 1
Armstrong, Edward Hall, 1841-1864 1
Armstrong, Thomas James, 1813-1877 1
Arthur, Chester Alan, 1829-1886 1
Ashe, John Baptista, -1734 1
Ashe, Samuel A. (Samuel A'Court), 1840-1938 1
Ashe, Samuel, 1725-1813 1
Ashe, William Shepperd, 1814-1862 1
Atkinson, J.W., Colonel (John Wilder), 1830-1910 1
Atkinson, Thomas, 1807-1881 1
Avco Embassy Pictures 1
Avery, Johnston, 1901-1970 1
Avery, Virginia Hall, 1903-1981 1
Babcock, W. F. (Willard F.), 1917-1991 1
Bacon, Henry, 1866-1924 1
Bank of Wilmington (Wilmington, N.C.) 1
Bartram, Moses, 1732-1809 1
+ ∧ less