Showing Collections: 41 - 50 of 404
Ben Long Sketch
This crayon sketch on paper [9"x 11 3/4"] is of three images of male heads: a profile and back side view of an adult and a profile of an adolescent. It is initialed by the artist; the date is on a corner which has been broken off and may be 1968 or 1969. The word "studies" has been penciled at the bottom of the paper.
Benjamin Stoddert Ewell Broadside
The College of William and Mary at Williamsburg, VA, suffered damage during the Civil War. Benjamin S. Ewell, then president of William and Mary, published a broadside appealing for financial aid in rebuilding the institution. Though obviously written after the Civil War, its exact date is unknown. This appeal includes endorsements for the rebuilding fund by Bishop Potter of New York, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Generals Grant and Meade, and by Wm. W. Corcoran of Washington City.
Bertha Boykin Todd Papers
Bill Faver Papers
This collection contains bound copies of newspaper article copies, newspaper clippings, and typed article drafts written by Bill Faver as part of his work as a reporter with the Brunswick Beacon from the 1970s-1990s.
Bill Jessup Theatre Collection
This collection contains VHS and cassette tapes of local Wilmington, NC theatre and dance productions from the 1990s. Companies include Tapestry Theatre Company, Dance Theatre of Wilmington, Grace Theatre, Stageworks, and Celebration Theatre.
Billie Ruth Sudduth Collection
Scrapbooks, newspaper articles, brochures, catalogs, announcements, videotapes, photographs and slides relating to career of artist Billie Ruth Sudduth.
Bishop Thomas Henry Wright Sermons
This collection primarily contains sermons and essays written by Bishop Thomas Henry Wright from 1928 through the 1980's. Other documents on local churches and histories are also included.
Bissette World War II Collection
Blanche Ambrose Scrapbook Collection
The collection contains five scrapbooks and a few loose documents and photographs depicting Blanche Ambrose's life in Wilmington, NC and her education as a nurse.