Showing Collections: 21 - 30 of 404
Anchram H. and Elizabeth K. Evans Civil War Letters
Andrew Clark Collection
This collection contains 13 photographs from Andrew Clarkâs research abroad in Africa, specifically Ghana, Senegal, and Guinea. Photos are of him with locals as well as the landscape and architecture in the three countries. Also included in this collection are original, color illustrated art pieces of two different castles in Ghana and a CD of traditional Senegalese music.
AnimEigo Anime Collection
This collection contains materials from the private Wilmington, North Carolina company, AnimEigo. The AnimEigo Anime Collection includes Japanese animated cels, VHS covers for anime films, and anime film laserdiscs.
Anna Parsley Love Letter
A letter dated October 26, 1910, from Agnes MacRae Parsley to her daughter, Anna Parsley Love, notes the preparations made for moving into town from Masonboro Sound, a summer residence. It illustrates the housekeeping preparation for such a move for a family of comfortable means, and social interaction in an informal manner.
Anna Sherman Collection
This collection of original and photocopied items is comprised of correspondence and newspaper clippings encompassing nearly 100 years, from 1849 to 1938. Especially of note is the correspondence dating from the time of the U.S. Civil War 1861- 1865. The letters paint a poignant image of life in the confederacy.
Annie Mavis Brady Nursing Collection
This collection contains diplomas, a nursing cape, and a log of surgeries observed by Annie Mavis Brady during her time at James Walker Memorial Nursing School in the 1940s.
Army Corps of Engineers Aerial Photos of NC Coast and Selected Coastal Areas
Aerial photographs of peat farming operations in coastal northeastern North Carolina, and Army Corps of Engineers aerial surveys of NC shoreline 1976, 1978, 1981, 1984, including First Colony Farms, NC shoreline, Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway, and Albemarle Peninsula.
Army Pay Vouchers
Contains pay requests and vouchers for various individuals associated with Fort Johnson from June to November 1869.
Army Times: An Independent Newspaper Serving Army People
Army Times: An Independent Newspaper Serving Army People was a newspaper printed to inform service people of military changes, Desert Storm and Desert Shield Operations, and of other related military topics of concern to its readers. The newspapers consist of advertisements, as well as reports and articles related to military personnel. 29 issues are included from 1990-1991.
Arts Council of the Lower Cape Fear Papers
This collection contains the records of the Art Council of the Lower Cape Fear (ACLCF). Established as a non-profit organization in 1972, the ACLCF was dedicated to "the living arts and to the enrichment of heritage of the Cape Fear region" until it disbanded in 2002. Records date predominately from the late 1980s through 2002.