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Showing Collections: 91 - 100 of 404

Documents Relating to Public Education in New Hanover County

Identifier: SC-MS-135
Scope and Contents This collection consists of original documents, letters, financial records and printed material dealing with the establishment of free public schools in Wilmington, North Carolina after the Civil War. The correspondence details the financial support for school construction, teacher recruitment, and administration provided by the Massachusetts Soldiers Memorial Society, Mary Hemenway, Amy Bradley and the American Unitarian Association for what came to be known as Wilmington School District...
Dates: 1865-1924

Documents Relating to the Fertilizer Industry, 1866 - 1966

Identifier: SC-MS-105
Scope and Contents

The Virginia Carolina Chemical Company, (VCC Co.), manufactured fertilizers throughout the United States. The collection concentrates on those factories located in North Carolina, Virginia, and the Midwest. Beginning in 1861 and ending in 1966, this collection contains numerous business documents, articles of incorporation, by-laws, deeds, correspondence, and photographs related to Virginia Carolina Chemical Company.

Dates: 1861-1966

Don Betz Collection

Identifier: SC-MS-143
Scope and Contents This collection features papers, photographs, and memorabillia belonging to Don Betz, who served as mayor of Wilmington, North Carolina from 1987 to 1997. Betz's appointment books and correspondence from throughout his tenure, as both a city council member and later mayor, depict both his day-to-day duties and important local issues he discussed with officials and legislators at the state and national level. His campaign work, service outside the council, and involvement in local, national,...
Dates: 1981-1997

Dorothy Buckeridge Nesbitt Papers

Identifier: SC-MS-183
Scope and Contents Materials in this collection focus on Dorothy Nesbitt's service as a student, teacher, and advocate for dance and the arts, both in the Wilmington, North Carolina area and internationally, from the 1960s to the 1990s. Papers and photographs showcasing her passion for ballet and modern dance include workshop information, brochures, performance highlights, correspondence, reports, newspaper clippings, articles, and scrapbook pages. Her educational material feature content on racial integration...
Dates: 1956-2003

Doug Swink Theater Collection

Identifier: SC-MS-102
Scope and Contents

This collection contains theatre professor Doug Swink's memorabilia from his tenure as a Wilmington College faculty member during the 1960s. Included in the collection are slides, performance programs and tickets, photographs, newspaper clippings, and student information bulletins encompassing many facets of student and faculty happenings, as well as theatre news, both on and off campus.

Dates: 1938-2006; Majority of material found within 1957-1969

Dr. Chris E. Fonvielle Papers

Identifier: SC-MS-158
Scope and Contents

This collection contains papers and historical research of Dr. Chris E. Fonveille, a former history faculty member at UNCW.

Dates: Undetermined

Dr. Duncan Randall Papers

Identifier: SC-MS-229
Scope and Contents

This collection contains papers and memorabilia related to Dr. Duncan Randall's personal and family life, his military career with the U.S. Air Force, his academic career as a professor at Wilmington College (now UNCW), and his personal and political interests. Materials include documents, correspondence, newspaper articles and clippings, a stamp collection, emphemera, artifacts, and photographs.

Dates: 1939-2001

Dr. Edwin A. Alderman Collection

Identifier: SC-MS-112
Scope and Contents

This collection contains material related to Wilmington native Dr. Edwin A. Alderman, an educator who worked at what is now UNC Greensboro, UNC Chapel Hill, and was the first president of the University of Virginia. Included are a book of photographs from the University of Virginia book store, a photograph of Charles D. McIver, the founder and first president of what is now UNC Greensboro, and a newspaper article announcing the death of Dr. Alderman in 1931.

Dates: Undated

Dr. Frank Ainsley Papers

Identifier: SC-MS-324
Scope and Contents Dr. W. Frank Ainsley was a long-time professor in the Department of Geography and Geology at the University of North Carolina Wilmington. These papers contain materials collected by him during his academic and research careers and focus geographical concerns in southeastern North Carolina primarily during the 1970s to 1990s. Included are journal articles, newspapers, magazines, brochures, pamphlets, notes, photographs, correspondence, maps, and other similar research materials. Although the...
Dates: 1858 - 2008

Dr. Gerald H. Shinn Collection

Identifier: SC-MS-123

Dr. Gerald H. Shinn (known as Gerry) taught at the University of North Carolina Wilmington in the department of philosophy and religion for 27 years. His passion for teaching was well known at the university and is self-evident in his career achievements. This manuscript collection includes Shinn's vast slide collection as well as documents and other materials related to his career and personal interests.

Dates: 1967-2013

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Wilmington (N.C.) 55
Arts 48
World War, 1939-1945 37
correspondence 37
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 36
∨ more
Religion 31
Authors 28
photocopies 21
Artists 20
United States -- Politics and government -- Sources 20
Universities and colleges -- Faculty 19
Music 16
New Hanover County (N.C.) -- History -- Sources 15
North Carolina -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Sources 15
Political 15
Politicians 15
Wilmington (N.C.) -- History -- 20th century 14
Families -- North Carolina -- New Hanover County 13
Wilmington (N.C.) -- History -- 19th century 13
deeds 13
Artists -- North Carolina -- New Hanover County 11
New Hanover County (N.C.) 11
Wilmington Massacre, Wilmington, N.C., 1898 11
photographs 11
North Carolina 10
World War, 1939-1945 -- History -- Sources 10
newspapers 10
Civil rights movements -- United States 9
Education -- New Hanover County (N.C.) 9
North Carolina -- Politics and government 9
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Personal narratives 9
World War, 1914-1918 9
Brunswick County (N.C.) 8
Feature films 7
Theater 7
postcards 7
sheet music 7
African Americans -- North Carolina -- Wilmington -- History 6
Drawings (visual works) 6
Duplin County (N.C.) -- History -- Sources 6
Manuscripts 6
Onslow County (N.C.) 6
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Sources 6
Wilmington (N.C.) -- Race relations 6
Wilmington College -- History -- Sources 6
African Americans -- North Carolina -- New Hanover County -- History 5
Business enterprises -- North Carolina -- Wilmington 5
Columbus County (N.C.) 5
Nonprofit organizations 5
Poetry 5
Presidential candidates 5
School integration 5
University of North Carolina, Wilmington -- History -- Sources 5
Wrightsville Beach (N.C.) 5
prints (visual works) 5
Business records 4
Confederate States of America -- History -- Sources 4
Military chaplains 4
Motion picture plays 4
New Hanover County (N.C.) -- Church history -- 19th century 4
Nursing schools 4
Pearl Harbor (Hawaii), Attack on, 1941 4
Political Campaigns -- North Carolina 4
Presbyterian Church 4
Southport (N.C.) 4
Universities and colleges -- Administration 4
World War, 1914-1918 -- History -- Sources 4
broadsides (notices) 4
African American veterans 3
Art -- History 3
Atlantic Coast (N.C.) 3
Carolina Beach (N.C.) 3
Church Membership 3
Dance 3
Families 3
Feature films -- North Carolina -- Wilmington 3
Festivals -- North Carolina -- Wilmington 3
Fort Fisher (N.C.) 3
Indians of North America 3
Korean War, 1950-1953 3
Legislators -- North Carolina 3
Methodist Church 3
Money -- Confederate States of America 3
North Carolina--History--19th century 3
Photography 3
Physicians -- North Carolina -- Wilmington 3
Presidents -- Election 3
Slavery 3
Television scripts 3
United States -- Armed Forces -- Military life 3
Veterans 3
Vietnam War, 1961-1975 3
Wilmington (N.C.) -- History -- Sources 3
Wilmington star-news (Wilmington, N.C.) 3
Women in the Presbyterian Church 3
World War, 1939-1945 -- Personal narratives 3
maps (documents) 3
printed ephemera 3
works of art 3
Actresses 2
+ ∧ less
English 401
German 8
French 5
Hebrew 3
Greek, Modern (1453-) 2
∨ more  
University of North Carolina, Wilmington 30
Wilmington College 12
James Walker Memorial Hospital 7
Howell, Claude, 1915-1997 6
United States. Army 6
∨ more
New Hanover High School (Wilmington, N.C.) 5
Randall, William M. (William Madison), 1899-1984 5
Thalian Hall (Wilmington, N.C.) 5
Bellamy, Heyward C., Dr., 1924-2014 4
Episcopal Church 4
Jones, Wilbur D., 1934- 4
Lennon, Alton, 1906-1986 4
United States. Navy 4
1898 Centennial Foundation (Wilmington, N.C.) 3
Bissette, Samuel D., 1921-2005 3
Burney, John Jay, Jr., 1924-2010 3
Community Hospital (Wilmington, NC) 3
Inman, Will, 1923-2009 3
North Carolina Azalea Festival (1948-) 3
Rehder, Jessie 3
Wilmington College. Board of Trustees 3
Bellamy Mansion Museum 2
Bellamy family 2
Bellamy, John Dillard, 1853-1942 2
Berkman, Jack I., 1908-1999 2
Bethell, M. Eloise 2
Block, Susan Taylor, 1951- 2
Brauer, Friedrich 2
Eaton, Hubert A., Dr. (Hubert Arthur), 1916-1991 2
Episcopal Church. Diocese of East Carolina 2
High, Daniel Pinkney, 1843-1912 2
Johnson, Andrew, 1808-1875 2
Jones, Pembroke, 1858-1919 2
Jones, Viola Murrell 2
League of Women Voters of the Lower Cape Fear 2
Lower Cape Fear Historical Society 2
MacRae, Hugh, 1865-1951 2
Major League Baseball (Organization) 2
Martin, Silas N. (Silas Nelson), 1828-1877 2
Murchison, David R. (David Reid), 1837-1882 2
National Collegiate Athletic Association 2
National Football League 2
Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company 2
North Carolina Coastal Federation 2
North Carolina Shipbuilding Company 2
North Carolina State Ports Authority 2
Pearsall family 2
Pearsall, Oscar, 1849-1925 2
Rehder, Stanley (George Stanley), 1922-2012 2
Republican Party (U.S. : 1854- ) 2
Rorison, Harmon Chadbourn, 1893-1976 2
Rotary International 2
Sanford, Terry, 1917-1998 2
Sister Cities International 2
St. Andrews-Covenant Presbyterian Church (Wilmington, N.C.) 2
Thomas, Cornelius (Neal) Dickinson, 1920-2005 2
United States. Air Force 2
United States. Congress. 2
University of North Carolina, Wilmington. Department of Philosophy and Religion 2
Waddell, Alfred M. (Alfred Moore), 1834-1912 2
Wagoner, William H., 1927-1999 2
Wallace, George C. (George Corley), 1919-1998 2
Wilkes, Paul, 1938- 2
Wood, Thomas Fanning, 1841-1892 2
Zachary, Hugh, 1928-2016 2
Zebulon B. Vance (Liberty ship) 2
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church 1
Ainsley, W. Frank, Jr. (William Frank), 1944-2010 1
Albritton, Jana, 1954- 1
Alderman, Edwin Anderson, 1861-1931 1
Allsbrook, O.O. (Ogden Olmstead), 1899-1974 1
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority 1
American Business Women's Association 1
American Council of the Blind 1
American Institute of Architects 1
American Legion. Auxiliary 1
American Philosophical Society 1
American Tennis Association 1
Anderson, Ryan K. 1
AnimEigo, Inc 1
Armstrong, Edward Hall, 1841-1864 1
Armstrong, Thomas James, 1813-1877 1
Arthur, Chester Alan, 1829-1886 1
Ashe, John Baptista, -1734 1
Ashe, Samuel A. (Samuel A'Court), 1840-1938 1
Ashe, Samuel, 1725-1813 1
Ashe, William Shepperd, 1814-1862 1
Atkinson, J.W., Colonel (John Wilder), 1830-1910 1
Atkinson, Thomas, 1807-1881 1
Avco Embassy Pictures 1
Avery, Johnston, 1901-1970 1
Avery, Virginia Hall, 1903-1981 1
Babcock, W. F. (Willard F.), 1917-1991 1
Bacon, Henry, 1866-1924 1
Bank of Wilmington (Wilmington, N.C.) 1
Bartram, Moses, 1732-1809 1
Bellamy, Ellen Douglas, 1852-1946 1
Bellamy, Emmett Hargrove, 1891-1952 1
Bellamy, John Dillard, Dr., 1817-1896 1
Bemiss, S. M. (Samuel Merrifield), 1821-1884 1
+ ∧ less