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Showing Collections: 31 - 40 of 105

Francine DeCoursey Papers

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: SC-MS-401
Scope and Contents

This collection contains papers and A/V material from filmmaker Francie DeCoursey's work, especially related to UNCW's 1898 Centennial Foundation, the Wilmington 10, and other local racial justice initiatives. Materials include event programs, event marketing materials, manuscripts, and other paperwork related to her film screenings and presentations, especially film work in varying formats, such as mini DV, DVD, VHS, and master broadcast tapes. Items are circa 1998-2013.

Dates: circa 1998-2013

Frederick D. Poisson Collection

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: SC-MS-170
Scope and Contents

This collection contains a copy book owned by Wilmington attorney Frederick D. Poisson. Poisson used it to record debt collection information such as financial transactions and correspondence. Notable Wilmington citizens are mentioned, including Cantwell, Carr, Cameron, McIver, MacRae, Pearsall, Sprunt, Sutton, and Waddell. Also includes a letter trying to collect debt from Alfred Moore Waddell. The back of the front cover has instructions on how to use a copy book.

Dates: 1873-1876

From These Beginnings: Wilmington College 1946-1969

Identifier: SC-MS-092
Scope and Contents

This collection includes various working drafts and notes for Dr. J. Marshall Crews' book, From These Beginnings: Wilmington College, 1946-1969. This book chronicles the early development of Wilmington College, which later developed into the University of North Carolina Wilmington.

Dates: 1980-1982

Gene Merritt Papers

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: SC-MS-396
Scope and Contents

This collection contains newspaper articles, documents, and ephemera about Gene Merritt's work with the revitalization of Downtown Wilmington and DARE (Downtown Area Revitalization Effort), later Wilmington Downtown, Inc. from the 1980s-2000s.

Dates: 1980-2003

General William MacRae and Colonel Walker Taylor Biographies

Identifier: SC-MS-039
Scope and Contents

This collection contains the biographies of two prominent Wilmingtonians, General William MacRae and Colonel Walker Taylor. Both items are photocopies of the original. MacRae served with the Confederacy in the Civil War and worked as a civil engineer for the Macon and Brunswick Railroad. Taylor served as a community and civic leader, and in 1913, President Woodrow Wilson named him the U.S. Collector of Customs for the Wilmington Port.

Dates: Undated

Grainger Family Papers

 Collection — Box: Misc. MS Box 4, Folder: 1
Identifier: SC-MS-342
Scope and Contents

Contains historical letters, deeds, and documents belonging to the Grainger family of Wilmington, NC, including deeds from Eagle Island and correspondence with American historian John Hope Franklin regarding the 1898 Wilmington race riot.

Dates: 1869-2017; Majority of material found within 1871-1898

Hannah Soloman Block Collection

Identifier: SC-MS-181
Scope and Contents

This collection consists of letters, cards, invitations, programs, news clippings and full length newspapers, magazines, postcards, notes, and a manuscript. Three albums of photos, political and pageant buttons, letters, and awards are included in these albums. Also included are WWII-era items such as Civil Defense ID cards, Red Cross membership materials, ration books for food and gasoline, V-mail, and information on USO dances.

Dates: 1935-1998

Herman Blizzard Rotary Archive

Identifier: SC-MS-215
Scope and Contents This collection contains the archive of the Wilmington Rotary Club, established in 1915. The original donation of materials were collected, organized, and maintained by long time Rotary member, Herman Blizzard. Included are materials related to routine club business including minutes, newsletters, correspondence, financial documents, and photographs. Blizzard also kept personal files related to Rotary including letters, cards, newspaper clippings, scrapbooks, artifacts, documented histories...
Dates: 1915-2019

Isabel M. Williams Papers

Identifier: SC-MS-241
Scope and Contents Contains bound volumes of the publication Thalian Hall, an unbound master copy of the publication with images, correspondence, copies of newspaper articles, notes, and a Star-News supplement from 1976; program from the re-opening of Thalian Hall; materials gathered from Isabel William’s travels around the world, including notebooks with typed observations of her experience and original watercolor map illustrations. Includes one publication written by Williams on the bicentennial of the...
Dates: 1980s-2000s

James R. Womble Civil War Letter

Identifier: SC-MS-043
Scope and Contents

This collection consists of a letter written by James R. Womble, a Confederate soldier, to his father, Thomas Womble. Womble was a laborer in Company A, 2nd Battalion, North Carolina Local Defense troops, of the Arsenal Guard. His letter is dated January 20, 1865. It was written from the City Courthouse of Wilmington and describes the fall of Fort Fisher.

Dates: 1865 January 20

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  • Language: English X
  • Subject: Wilmington (N.C.) X
  • Subject: Wilmington (N.C.) X

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Special Collections 92
University Archives 13
Wilmington (N.C.) 68
New Hanover County (N.C.) 16
University of North Carolina, Wilmington -- History -- Sources 14
Wilmington (N.C.) -- History -- 20th century 14
Arts 13
∨ more
Education -- North Carolina 13
Education, Higher 13
Public universities and colleges 13
Wilmington (N.C.) -- History -- 19th century 13
Wilmington Massacre, Wilmington, N.C., 1898 11
Religion 10
Universities and colleges -- Administration 10
correspondence 10
New Hanover County (N.C.) -- History -- Sources 8
Political 8
Education -- New Hanover County (N.C.) 7
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 7
Civil rights movements -- United States 6
Families -- North Carolina -- New Hanover County 6
Wilmington (N.C.) -- Race relations 6
African Americans -- North Carolina -- Wilmington -- History 5
Music 5
School integration 5
Universities and colleges -- Faculty 5
photocopies 5
African Americans -- North Carolina -- New Hanover County -- History 4
Authors 4
Politicians 4
United States -- Politics and government -- Sources 4
Universities and colleges -- Planning 4
Wilmington College -- History -- Sources 4
deeds 4
photographs 4
Brunswick County (N.C.) 3
Church Membership 3
College administrators 3
College students 3
Festivals -- North Carolina -- Wilmington 3
Nonprofit organizations 3
North Carolina -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Sources 3
North Carolina -- Politics and government 3
Nursing schools 3
Presbyterian Church 3
Special events 3
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Sources 3
Universities and colleges -- Curricula 3
Universities and colleges -- Departments 3
Universities and colleges -- Finance 3
Wilmington (N.C.) -- History -- Sources 3
Wilmington star-news (Wilmington, N.C.) 3
Women in the Presbyterian Church 3
World War, 1939-1945 3
Wrightsville Beach (N.C.) 3
newspapers 3
Artists 2
Blockade Running 2
Business enterprises -- North Carolina -- Wilmington 2
Camp Lejeune (N.C.) 2
Cape Fear Memorial Bridge (Wilmington, N.C.) 2
College presidents 2
College sorority members 2
College trustees 2
Dance 2
Duplin County (N.C.) -- History -- Sources 2
Economic development 2
Families 2
Kenan House (Wilmington, N.C.) 2
New Hanover County (N.C.) -- Church history -- 19th century 2
North Carolina--History--19th century 2
Political Campaigns -- North Carolina 2
Rural development 2
Theater 2
Universities and colleges -- Employees 2
Universities and colleges -- Professional staff 2
Universities and colleges -- Public relations 2
Urbanization 2
Voting -- Wilmington (N.C.) 2
Wilmington (N.C.) -- Commerce 2
Wilmington (N.C.) -- History -- 18th century 2
Wilmington (N.C.) -- History -- 18th century -- Sources 2
Women -- Political activity -- United States 2
World War, 1914-1918 -- History -- Sources 2
publications (documents) 2
Academic libraries -- Administration 1
Account books 1
Adult education 1
Advertising, political -- North Carolina -- Wilmington 1
African American churches 1
African American newspaper editors 1
African American newspapers 1
African Americans -- Genealogy 1
African Americans -- Political activity -- North Carolina -- Wilmington 1
Alcohol -- Law and legislation -- North Carolina 1
Animation (Cinematography) -- Japan 1
Annexation (Municipal government) -- North Carolina -- Wilmington 1
Artists -- North Carolina -- New Hanover County 1
Athletics 1
Ballet dancing 1
Bank fraud 1
Bankers -- North Carolina -- Wilmington 1
+ ∧ less
Japanese 2
Spanish; Castilian 2
French 1
German 1
Hebrew 1
∨ more
Yiddish 1
+ ∧ less
University of North Carolina, Wilmington 22
Wilmington College 17
James Walker Memorial Hospital 5
Wilmington College. Board of Trustees 4
1898 Centennial Foundation (Wilmington, N.C.) 3
∨ more
Bellamy, Heyward C., Dr., 1924-2014 3
New Hanover High School (Wilmington, N.C.) 3
North Carolina Azalea Festival (1948-) 3
Thalian Hall (Wilmington, N.C.) 3
University of North Carolina, Wilmington. Board of Trustees 3
Eaton, Hubert A., Dr. (Hubert Arthur), 1916-1991 2
Episcopal Church 2
Episcopal Church. Diocese of East Carolina 2
Jones, Pembroke, 1858-1919 2
League of Women Voters of the Lower Cape Fear 2
Sanford, Terry, 1917-1998 2
United States. Navy 2
University of North Carolina at Wilmington. Division of Academic Affairs 2
Waddell, Alfred M. (Alfred Moore), 1834-1912 2
Wagoner, William H., 1927-1999 2
Albritton, Jana, 1954- 1
Allsbrook, O.O. (Ogden Olmstead), 1899-1974 1
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority 1
American Tennis Association 1
AnimEigo, Inc 1
Babcock, W. F. (Willard F.), 1917-1991 1
Bellamy Mansion Museum 1
Bellamy, Ellen Douglas, 1852-1946 1
Berkman, Consuelo, 1949-1996 1
Berkman, Jack I., 1908-1999 1
Betz, Donald H. (Donald Henry) 1
Bingham, Mary Lily Kenan, 1867-1917 1
Block, Hannah, 1913-2009 1
Block, Nathan Ellis, 1903-1986 1
Block, Susan Taylor, 1951- 1
Boys' Brigade 1
Bradley, Amy Morris, 1823-1904 1
Brown University 1
Burney, John Jay, Jr., 1924-2010 1
Butler, Marion, 1863-1938 1
Cain, Robert J. 1
Cameron, Bruce Barclay, 1890-1944 1
Cameron, Daniel David, 1921-2005 1
Cameron, George Wallace, 1873-1939 1
Cameron, Lottie Fales, 1894-1960 1
Chavis, Ben, 1948- 1
Civitan International 1
Coastal Carolina Community College 1
Community Action Program (U.S.) 1
Community Hospital (Wilmington, NC) 1
Conser, Walter H. 1
Cooper, Thomas E., 1883-1949 1
Cotton, Nada McDonald, 1895-1977 1
Craven Operation Progress, Inc 1
Crews, J. Marshall, 1910-2010 1
Cronly family 1
Cronly, Michael, 1826-1898 1
Cronly, Robert Dixon, Jr., 1894-1968 1
Cutlar, DuBrutz, 1832-1898 1
Cutlar, DuBrutz, 1866-1905 1
Davis, Champion McDowell 1
DeCoursey, Francine 1
DePaolo, Rosemary 1
Democratic National Committee (U.S.) 1
Democratic National Convention 1
Edwards, W. Eugene, 1910-2006 1
Esser, George H., Jr., 1921-2006 1
Evans, Anchram Harris, 1838-1911 1
Evans, Elizabeth Robinson Kelly, 1844-1910 1
Evans, Merrill Jennings, 1904-1993 1
Faircloth, Lauch, 1928- 1
Fechtig, Alice Morriss, 1896-1971 1
Ford Foundation 1
Foundation for Community Development 1
Friday, William C. (William Clyde) 1
Frinks, Golden Asro, 1920-2004 1
Gerard, Philip 1
Gibson, Althea, 1927-2003 1
Halyburton, William David, Jr., 1924-1945 1
Hamilton, Thomas T. (Thomas Tristam), 1900- 1
Hayes, Sherman, 1948- 1
Helms, Jesse 1
Hemenway, Mary, 1820-1894 1
Hoggard, John Thomas, 1876-1965 1
Hogue, Cyrus D., Jr., 1921-2017 1
Howe family 1
Howe, Alfred, 1817-1892 1
Howe, Tenah, -1852 1
Howell, Claude, 1915-1997 1
Jones, Viola Murrell 1
Jones, Wilbur D., 1934- 1
Jones, Wilbur David, 1892-1967 1
Junior League of Wilmington 1
Kenan family 1
Kenan, Sarah Graham, 1876-1968 1
Kenan, Thomas S., III 1
Kidder, Ann Potter, 1812-1872 1
Kidder, Edward Hartwell, 1840-1921 1
Kidder, Edward, 1805-1885 1
Kidder, Frederick, 1848-1908 1
+ ∧ less