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Showing Collections: 341 - 350 of 402

The Camera Shop Records

Identifier: SC-MS-293
Scope and Contents This collection contains records from The Camera Shop, a business that operated at Front and Grace Street in Wilmington, N.C. for seventy-two years. Materials include personal, business, and supply correspondence, customer and supplier invoices, advertising correspondence and invoices, job applications, property paperwork, and mail solicitations from 1942-1957. Of note in this collection is correspondence between The Camera Shop and suppliers during World War II, at which time The Camera...
Dates: 1942-1957

The Cantwell Collection

Identifier: SC-MS-109
Scope and Contents The collection includes remarks of Alton A. Lennon of North Carolina in the U.S. Senate, requesting approval for an article from The Star News to be reprinted in The Congressional Record, Saturday, August 7, 1954. The article relates the origin of a salute to our flag with hand over heart first used by Wilmington-Wrightsville Beach resident Elizabeth Cantwell. Mrs. Cantwell describes how this idea germinated and its effect on others. Also included is a brief history of her husband's career...
Dates: 1954, 1968, undated

The Complete Book of Terrorism

Identifier: SC-MS-118
Scope and Contents An unpublished manuscript covering all aspects of terrorism, written by John Pynchon Holms and Thomas J. Burke. The contents include the history, definition, objectives, and motivations of terrorism and terrorists, covering training, tactics and weapons of modern revolutionaries and criminals. Also outlined is a primer on making bombs and booby traps, "silent" weapons such as knives, and recipes for biological, chemical, and nuclear tactics. Mr. Burke does include chapters on discovery and...
Dates: 1993, undated

The Dame Catherine C. Carpender Collection

Identifier: SC-MS-185
Scope and Contents This collection consists of letters, pictures, articles, and other memorabilia belonging to Dame Catherine C. Carpender.  Born on July 9, 1915 in Virginia and raised in New Brunswick, NJ, Catherine Carpender moved to Wilmington, NC in 1948.  For her charitable work with a clinic in Malta, she was made a member of the Order of Malta and was awarded the Cross of Merit.  Dame Carpender spent a great deal of time traveling abroad, primarily in the Mediterranean region and India.  Boxes number 9...
Dates: 1963-1991, undated

The Ficklen Family Private Papers

Identifier: SC-MS-010
Abstract This group of papers contains letters between Ficklen family members, primarily in Virginia, and documents of the Hamilton family of Kentucky. In addition, there is also an ad in the The Weekly Independent, Fredericksburg, VA placed by J.B. Ficklen & Sons of Fredericksburg, VA. Other items include indentures of sale of land and a will regarding the estate of John Hamilton, Sr. and a family tree compiled by Fitzhugh Ficklen in 1933 (with later additions...
Dates: 1803-1960

The Hawk's Eye

Identifier: SC-MS-110
Scope and Contents

The Hawk's Eye was a regular feature article in the Star News written by Carlton Rhodes, a student at Wilmington College. The article was subtitled "News of Wilmington College," and chronicled all the important events and people associated with the college at that time.

Dates: circa late 1940s-1950s

The Lee W. Weaver Collection

Identifier: SC-MS-225
Scope and Contents

This collection contains memorabilia from the European Front of World War II collected by Sgt. Weaver during his service overseas, including memorandums, Special Orders, certificates, photographs correspondence, and postcards.

Dates: 1937-1994; Majority of material found within 1941-1945

The Printer's Art Collection

Identifier: SC-MS-084

This collection consists of examples of illuminated works, which have been broken into six series: Early Printing and Engraving, Oriental Printing and Engraving, Examples of Paleography, Examples of Book Illumination, Ancient Bible Pages, and Parchment pages.

Dates: Undetermined

Thomas A. Moore Personal Papers

Identifier: SC-MS-173
Scope and Contents This collection consists of personal papers, correspondence, photographs, programs, records, videotapes, and cassette tape recordings covering Mr. Moore’s education and career from 1985-1999. His positions included Deputy to the Executive Director/ Director of Administration & Human Resources for Helen Keller International; Assistant Officer for Volunteers for Missions at the Episcopal Church Center World Mission Unit; Administrative Assistant for Special Parish Ministries and...
Dates: 1985-1999, undated

Thomas E. Cooper Family Papers

Identifier: SC-MS-045
Scope and Contents The collection consists of a studio portrait of Thomas E. Cooper as a young man, two printed items, and nineteen items of correspondence. The early handwritten letters, from 1905 to 1907, are primarily from Cooper to his wife, Jane Collins, written while Cooper was working in Mullins, South Carolina. Later letters from 1925 are typewritten to his wife while Cooper was serving a prison sentence in the Federal Penitentiary in Atlanta, Georgia. Cooper had been charged and sentenced, along with...
Dates: 1905-1949

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  • Language: English X
  • Repository: Special Collections X

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Wilmington (N.C.) 55
Arts 48
World War, 1939-1945 37
correspondence 37
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 36
∨ more
Religion 31
Authors 28
photocopies 21
Artists 20
United States -- Politics and government -- Sources 20
Universities and colleges -- Faculty 18
Music 16
New Hanover County (N.C.) -- History -- Sources 15
North Carolina -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Sources 15
Politicians 15
Political 14
Wilmington (N.C.) -- History -- 20th century 14
Families -- North Carolina -- New Hanover County 13
Wilmington (N.C.) -- History -- 19th century 13
deeds 12
Artists -- North Carolina -- New Hanover County 11
New Hanover County (N.C.) 11
Wilmington Massacre, Wilmington, N.C., 1898 11
photographs 11
North Carolina 10
World War, 1939-1945 -- History -- Sources 10
newspapers 10
Civil rights movements -- United States 9
Education -- New Hanover County (N.C.) 9
North Carolina -- Politics and government 9
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Personal narratives 9
Brunswick County (N.C.) 8
World War, 1914-1918 8
Feature films 7
Theater 7
postcards 7
sheet music 7
African Americans -- North Carolina -- Wilmington -- History 6
Drawings (visual works) 6
Duplin County (N.C.) -- History -- Sources 6
Manuscripts 6
Onslow County (N.C.) 6
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Sources 6
Wilmington (N.C.) -- Race relations 6
Wilmington College -- History -- Sources 6
African Americans -- North Carolina -- New Hanover County -- History 5
Business enterprises -- North Carolina -- Wilmington 5
Columbus County (N.C.) 5
Nonprofit organizations 5
Poetry 5
Presidential candidates 5
School integration 5
University of North Carolina, Wilmington -- History -- Sources 5
Wrightsville Beach (N.C.) 5
prints (visual works) 5
Business records 4
Confederate States of America -- History -- Sources 4
Military chaplains 4
Motion picture plays 4
New Hanover County (N.C.) -- Church history -- 19th century 4
Nursing schools 4
Pearl Harbor (Hawaii), Attack on, 1941 4
Political Campaigns -- North Carolina 4
Presbyterian Church 4
Southport (N.C.) 4
Universities and colleges -- Administration 4
World War, 1914-1918 -- History -- Sources 4
broadsides (notices) 4
African American veterans 3
Art -- History 3
Atlantic Coast (N.C.) 3
Carolina Beach (N.C.) 3
Church Membership 3
Dance 3
Families 3
Feature films -- North Carolina -- Wilmington 3
Festivals -- North Carolina -- Wilmington 3
Fort Fisher (N.C.) 3
Indians of North America 3
Korean War, 1950-1953 3
Legislators -- North Carolina 3
Methodist Church 3
Money -- Confederate States of America 3
North Carolina--History--19th century 3
Physicians -- North Carolina -- Wilmington 3
Presidents -- Election 3
Slavery 3
Television scripts 3
United States -- Armed Forces -- Military life 3
Veterans 3
Vietnam War, 1961-1975 3
Wilmington (N.C.) -- History -- Sources 3
Wilmington star-news (Wilmington, N.C.) 3
Women in the Presbyterian Church 3
World War, 1939-1945 -- Personal narratives 3
maps (documents) 3
printed ephemera 3
works of art 3
Actresses 2
African American Methodists 2
+ ∧ less
German 7
French 5
Hebrew 3
Greek, Modern (1453-) 2
Japanese 2
∨ more  
University of North Carolina, Wilmington 29
Wilmington College 12
James Walker Memorial Hospital 7
Howell, Claude, 1915-1997 6
United States. Army 6
∨ more
New Hanover High School (Wilmington, N.C.) 5
Randall, William M. (William Madison), 1899-1984 5
Thalian Hall (Wilmington, N.C.) 5
Bellamy, Heyward C., Dr., 1924-2014 4
Episcopal Church 4
Jones, Wilbur D., 1934- 4
Lennon, Alton, 1906-1986 4
United States. Navy 4
1898 Centennial Foundation (Wilmington, N.C.) 3
Bissette, Samuel D., 1921-2005 3
Burney, John Jay, Jr., 1924-2010 3
Community Hospital (Wilmington, NC) 3
Inman, Will, 1923-2009 3
North Carolina Azalea Festival (1948-) 3
Rehder, Jessie 3
Wilmington College. Board of Trustees 3
Bellamy Mansion Museum 2
Bellamy family 2
Bellamy, John Dillard, 1853-1942 2
Berkman, Jack I., 1908-1999 2
Bethell, M. Eloise 2
Block, Susan Taylor, 1951- 2
Eaton, Hubert A., Dr. (Hubert Arthur), 1916-1991 2
Episcopal Church. Diocese of East Carolina 2
High, Daniel Pinkney, 1843-1912 2
Johnson, Andrew, 1808-1875 2
Jones, Pembroke, 1858-1919 2
Jones, Viola Murrell 2
League of Women Voters of the Lower Cape Fear 2
Lower Cape Fear Historical Society 2
MacRae, Hugh, 1865-1951 2
Major League Baseball (Organization) 2
Martin, Silas N. (Silas Nelson), 1828-1877 2
Murchison, David R. (David Reid), 1837-1882 2
National Collegiate Athletic Association 2
National Football League 2
Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company 2
North Carolina Coastal Federation 2
North Carolina Shipbuilding Company 2
North Carolina State Ports Authority 2
Pearsall family 2
Pearsall, Oscar, 1849-1925 2
Rehder, Stanley (George Stanley), 1922-2012 2
Republican Party (U.S. : 1854- ) 2
Rorison, Harmon Chadbourn, 1893-1976 2
Rotary International 2
Sanford, Terry, 1917-1998 2
Sister Cities International 2
St. Andrews-Covenant Presbyterian Church (Wilmington, N.C.) 2
Thomas, Cornelius (Neal) Dickinson, 1920-2005 2
United States. Air Force 2
United States. Congress. 2
University of North Carolina, Wilmington. Department of Philosophy and Religion 2
Waddell, Alfred M. (Alfred Moore), 1834-1912 2
Wagoner, William H., 1927-1999 2
Wallace, George C. (George Corley), 1919-1998 2
Wilkes, Paul, 1938- 2
Wood, Thomas Fanning, 1841-1892 2
Zachary, Hugh, 1928-2016 2
Zebulon B. Vance (Liberty ship) 2
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church 1
Ainsley, W. Frank, Jr. (William Frank), 1944-2010 1
Albritton, Jana, 1954- 1
Alderman, Edwin Anderson, 1861-1931 1
Allsbrook, O.O. (Ogden Olmstead), 1899-1974 1
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority 1
American Business Women's Association 1
American Council of the Blind 1
American Institute of Architects 1
American Legion. Auxiliary 1
American Philosophical Society 1
American Tennis Association 1
Anderson, Ryan K. 1
AnimEigo, Inc 1
Armstrong, Edward Hall, 1841-1864 1
Armstrong, Thomas James, 1813-1877 1
Arthur, Chester Alan, 1829-1886 1
Ashe, John Baptista, -1734 1
Ashe, Samuel A. (Samuel A'Court), 1840-1938 1
Ashe, Samuel, 1725-1813 1
Ashe, William Shepperd, 1814-1862 1
Atkinson, J.W., Colonel (John Wilder), 1830-1910 1
Atkinson, Thomas, 1807-1881 1
Avco Embassy Pictures 1
Avery, Johnston, 1901-1970 1
Avery, Virginia Hall, 1903-1981 1
Babcock, W. F. (Willard F.), 1917-1991 1
Bacon, Henry, 1866-1924 1
Bank of Wilmington (Wilmington, N.C.) 1
Bartram, Moses, 1732-1809 1
Bellamy, Ellen Douglas, 1852-1946 1
Bellamy, Emmett Hargrove, 1891-1952 1
Bellamy, John Dillard, Dr., 1817-1896 1
Bemiss, S. M. (Samuel Merrifield), 1821-1884 1
Berkman, Consuelo, 1949-1996 1
+ ∧ less