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Showing Collections: 261 - 270 of 401

North Carolina 4th of July Festival Records

Identifier: SC-MS-236
Scope and Contents This collection contains the records of the N.C. 4th of July Festival, an Independence Day celebration held every year in Southport, North Carolina. These records contain the administrative planning and financial documents, meeting minutes, and correspondence of the Festival board and its various committees from the 1960s to the early 2000s. These records serve to show the many steps and working pieces involved in the success of the Festival, including but not limited to budgetary...
Dates: 1960-2003; Majority of material found within 1970-1999

North Carolina Azalea Festival Collection

Identifier: SC-MS-024
Scope and Contents This collection contains various souvenir books, programs, brochures, magazines, newspaper clippings and other ephemera related to the North Carolina Azalea Festival from 1948-2004. The Azalea Festival began in 1948 at the instigation of Dr. Houston Moore of Wilmington, NC. The first president was Hugh Morton, and Queen Azalea I was Jacqueline White, a movie actress with RKO Studios. Throughout the years, the Festival has filled three to four days with art and craft shows, a parade,...
Dates: 1949-2004

North Carolina Coastal Federation Papers

Identifier: SC-MS-313

The North Carolina Coastal Federation is a non-profit organization that focuses exclusively on protecting and restoring the state's coast through education, advocacy and habitat preservation and restoration. These records reflect the activities of the organization from its formation in 1982 through 2004. The collection is arranged in six series and includes a wide range of materials.

Dates: 1987- 2018

North Carolina Indentures

Identifier: SC-MS-120
Scope and Contents

This collection contains over a hundred years worth of North Carolina land indentures, mortgage deeds, and warranty deeds, mostly in Brunswick County. Three documents refer specifically to lots of land in the city of Wilmington, and another refers to land in the State of New York.

Dates: Other: 1799-1928

North Carolina Living Treasures

Identifier: SC-MS-149
Scope and Contents

This collection contains a variety of materials related to the planning, administration, and celebrations for the North Carolina Living Treasure awards.

Dates: 1987-2009, undated

North Carolina Shipbuilding Company Collection

Identifier: SC-MS-352
Scope and Contents

This collections contains materials related to the North Carolina Shipbuilding Company, a shipyard in Wilmington, North Carolina that was created as part of the U.S. Government's Emergency Shipbuilding Program during World War II. Included in the collection is a typed manuscript documenting the history of the company, a photocopied map of the Maffit Village neighborhood, and 19 photographs and 2 printing plates illustrating the company's grounds, workers and shipbuilding activities.

Dates: 1941-1946, undated

North Carolina Visual Arts and Artists (NCVAA) Collection

Identifier: SC-MS-395
Scope and Contents The North Carolina Visual Arts and Artists (NCVAA) Collection, begun by Wilmington artist and former head of the UNCW art department Claude Howell, is a unique collection of newspaper clippings, posters, brochures, exhibit programs, and other ephemera about North Carolina arts and artists. Most of the material relates to art exhibits held in North Carolina at various museums, galleries, and campuses, but there is some limited biographical information, as well as a few photographs....
Dates: 1796-1996

Onslow County Land Records

Identifier: SC-MS-224
Scope and Contents

This collection primarily contains Onslow County land deeds dating from 1785 to 1918. Also included are documents pertaining to the will and estate of Elisha Walton and information regarding school attendence in the 5th district of Onslow County in 1853.

Dates: 1785-1918

Orton Plantation Art Collection

Identifier: SC-MS-231
Dates: Other: Dummy Date

Oscar High Business Papers and Memorabilia

Identifier: SC-MS-178
Scope and Contents The collection contains business receipts, letters, and advertisements from three businesses operated by Oscar High of Whiteville, North Carolina, spanning more than forty years from 1916 thru the 1960s, with special emphasis on the period between 1920's through 1950's. The personal letters of Mr. High's Waccamaw cottage rental business are of particular interest, as this covers both the Great Depression and World War II years and demonstrates his highly regarded business ethics and...
Dates: Undetermined

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  • Language: English X
  • Repository: Special Collections X

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Wilmington (N.C.) 55
Arts 48
World War, 1939-1945 37
correspondence 37
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 36
∨ more
Religion 31
Authors 28
photocopies 21
Artists 20
United States -- Politics and government -- Sources 20
Universities and colleges -- Faculty 18
Music 16
New Hanover County (N.C.) -- History -- Sources 15
North Carolina -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Sources 15
Politicians 15
Political 14
Wilmington (N.C.) -- History -- 20th century 14
Families -- North Carolina -- New Hanover County 13
Wilmington (N.C.) -- History -- 19th century 13
deeds 12
Artists -- North Carolina -- New Hanover County 11
New Hanover County (N.C.) 11
Wilmington Massacre, Wilmington, N.C., 1898 11
photographs 11
North Carolina 10
World War, 1939-1945 -- History -- Sources 10
newspapers 10
Civil rights movements -- United States 9
Education -- New Hanover County (N.C.) 9
North Carolina -- Politics and government 9
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Personal narratives 9
Brunswick County (N.C.) 8
World War, 1914-1918 8
Feature films 7
Theater 7
postcards 7
sheet music 7
African Americans -- North Carolina -- Wilmington -- History 6
Drawings (visual works) 6
Duplin County (N.C.) -- History -- Sources 6
Manuscripts 6
Onslow County (N.C.) 6
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Sources 6
Wilmington (N.C.) -- Race relations 6
Wilmington College -- History -- Sources 6
African Americans -- North Carolina -- New Hanover County -- History 5
Business enterprises -- North Carolina -- Wilmington 5
Columbus County (N.C.) 5
Nonprofit organizations 5
Poetry 5
Presidential candidates 5
School integration 5
University of North Carolina, Wilmington -- History -- Sources 5
Wrightsville Beach (N.C.) 5
prints (visual works) 5
Business records 4
Confederate States of America -- History -- Sources 4
Military chaplains 4
Motion picture plays 4
New Hanover County (N.C.) -- Church history -- 19th century 4
Nursing schools 4
Pearl Harbor (Hawaii), Attack on, 1941 4
Political Campaigns -- North Carolina 4
Presbyterian Church 4
Southport (N.C.) 4
Universities and colleges -- Administration 4
World War, 1914-1918 -- History -- Sources 4
broadsides (notices) 4
African American veterans 3
Art -- History 3
Atlantic Coast (N.C.) 3
Carolina Beach (N.C.) 3
Church Membership 3
Dance 3
Families 3
Feature films -- North Carolina -- Wilmington 3
Festivals -- North Carolina -- Wilmington 3
Fort Fisher (N.C.) 3
Indians of North America 3
Korean War, 1950-1953 3
Legislators -- North Carolina 3
Methodist Church 3
Money -- Confederate States of America 3
North Carolina--History--19th century 3
Physicians -- North Carolina -- Wilmington 3
Presidents -- Election 3
Slavery 3
Television scripts 3
United States -- Armed Forces -- Military life 3
Veterans 3
Vietnam War, 1961-1975 3
Wilmington (N.C.) -- History -- Sources 3
Wilmington star-news (Wilmington, N.C.) 3
Women in the Presbyterian Church 3
World War, 1939-1945 -- Personal narratives 3
maps (documents) 3
printed ephemera 3
works of art 3
Actresses 2
African American Methodists 2
+ ∧ less
German 7
French 5
Hebrew 3
Greek, Modern (1453-) 2
Japanese 2
∨ more  
University of North Carolina, Wilmington 29
Wilmington College 12
James Walker Memorial Hospital 7
Howell, Claude, 1915-1997 6
United States. Army 6
∨ more
New Hanover High School (Wilmington, N.C.) 5
Randall, William M. (William Madison), 1899-1984 5
Thalian Hall (Wilmington, N.C.) 5
Bellamy, Heyward C., Dr., 1924-2014 4
Episcopal Church 4
Jones, Wilbur D., 1934- 4
Lennon, Alton, 1906-1986 4
United States. Navy 4
1898 Centennial Foundation (Wilmington, N.C.) 3
Bissette, Samuel D., 1921-2005 3
Burney, John Jay, Jr., 1924-2010 3
Community Hospital (Wilmington, NC) 3
Inman, Will, 1923-2009 3
North Carolina Azalea Festival (1948-) 3
Rehder, Jessie 3
Wilmington College. Board of Trustees 3
Bellamy Mansion Museum 2
Bellamy family 2
Bellamy, John Dillard, 1853-1942 2
Berkman, Jack I., 1908-1999 2
Bethell, M. Eloise 2
Block, Susan Taylor, 1951- 2
Eaton, Hubert A., Dr. (Hubert Arthur), 1916-1991 2
Episcopal Church. Diocese of East Carolina 2
High, Daniel Pinkney, 1843-1912 2
Johnson, Andrew, 1808-1875 2
Jones, Pembroke, 1858-1919 2
Jones, Viola Murrell 2
League of Women Voters of the Lower Cape Fear 2
Lower Cape Fear Historical Society 2
MacRae, Hugh, 1865-1951 2
Major League Baseball (Organization) 2
Martin, Silas N. (Silas Nelson), 1828-1877 2
Murchison, David R. (David Reid), 1837-1882 2
National Collegiate Athletic Association 2
National Football League 2
Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company 2
North Carolina Coastal Federation 2
North Carolina Shipbuilding Company 2
North Carolina State Ports Authority 2
Pearsall family 2
Pearsall, Oscar, 1849-1925 2
Rehder, Stanley (George Stanley), 1922-2012 2
Republican Party (U.S. : 1854- ) 2
Rorison, Harmon Chadbourn, 1893-1976 2
Rotary International 2
Sanford, Terry, 1917-1998 2
Sister Cities International 2
St. Andrews-Covenant Presbyterian Church (Wilmington, N.C.) 2
Thomas, Cornelius (Neal) Dickinson, 1920-2005 2
United States. Air Force 2
United States. Congress. 2
University of North Carolina, Wilmington. Department of Philosophy and Religion 2
Waddell, Alfred M. (Alfred Moore), 1834-1912 2
Wagoner, William H., 1927-1999 2
Wallace, George C. (George Corley), 1919-1998 2
Wilkes, Paul, 1938- 2
Wood, Thomas Fanning, 1841-1892 2
Zachary, Hugh, 1928-2016 2
Zebulon B. Vance (Liberty ship) 2
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church 1
Ainsley, W. Frank, Jr. (William Frank), 1944-2010 1
Albritton, Jana, 1954- 1
Alderman, Edwin Anderson, 1861-1931 1
Allsbrook, O.O. (Ogden Olmstead), 1899-1974 1
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority 1
American Business Women's Association 1
American Council of the Blind 1
American Institute of Architects 1
American Legion. Auxiliary 1
American Philosophical Society 1
American Tennis Association 1
Anderson, Ryan K. 1
AnimEigo, Inc 1
Armstrong, Edward Hall, 1841-1864 1
Armstrong, Thomas James, 1813-1877 1
Arthur, Chester Alan, 1829-1886 1
Ashe, John Baptista, -1734 1
Ashe, Samuel A. (Samuel A'Court), 1840-1938 1
Ashe, Samuel, 1725-1813 1
Ashe, William Shepperd, 1814-1862 1
Atkinson, J.W., Colonel (John Wilder), 1830-1910 1
Atkinson, Thomas, 1807-1881 1
Avco Embassy Pictures 1
Avery, Johnston, 1901-1970 1
Avery, Virginia Hall, 1903-1981 1
Babcock, W. F. (Willard F.), 1917-1991 1
Bacon, Henry, 1866-1924 1
Bank of Wilmington (Wilmington, N.C.) 1
Bartram, Moses, 1732-1809 1
Bellamy, Ellen Douglas, 1852-1946 1
Bellamy, Emmett Hargrove, 1891-1952 1
Bellamy, John Dillard, Dr., 1817-1896 1
Bemiss, S. M. (Samuel Merrifield), 1821-1884 1
Berkman, Consuelo, 1949-1996 1
+ ∧ less