Folder MC 3
Contains 14 Results:
Wilmington Messenger May 9, 1897
Includes report of the Southern Baptist Convention and small illustrations of Wilmington places of worship and prominent religious leaders. Presented on mat board.
A Coat of Many Colors meet the author promotional display
Morning on the Cape Fear by Terry Moore, 1992
Steeples of Wilmington by Patrick Sullivan, 1996
Churches of Wilmington by Ronald Williams
An Accurate Map of North and South Carolina with their Indian Frontiers, 1775
Showing in a distinct manner all the Mountains, Rivers, Swamps, Marshes, Bays, Creeks, Harbours, Sandbanks, and Soundings for the Coast, with the Roads and Indian Paths; as well as the Boundary or Provincial Lines, the several Townships and other divisions of the land in both the provinces; the whole from actual surveys by Henry Mouzon and others.
A Complete Map of North Carolina from an Acutal Survey, 1770
To His Most Excellent Majesty George the Third, King of Great Britain, and c. and c. and c. this map is most humbly dedicated by His Majesty's most humble obedient and dutiful subject John Collet.
The First Actual Survey of the State of North Carolina, 1808
To David Stone and Peter Brown Esq., is respectfully dedicated by the humble servants John Price, John Strother
Map of North Carolina, 1882
By W.C. Kerr, State Geneologist, assisted by Captain W. Cain, C.E. published under the authority of the state board of agriculture
US Coast Guard Survey, 1865