Box 1
Contains 15 Results:
Stationery and calling cards, Undated
Contains one monogrammed envelope and blank stationary, and the calling cards of D.R. Murchison and Mrs. D.R. Murchison, Lucy Wooster Wright.
Stationery, correspondence, and bills of sale, 1872, undated
Contains a Williams and Murchison business card, miscellaneous correspondence from 1872, two Bills of Sale, and six small envelopes--two to Capt. D. R. Murchison, one to D. R. Murchison from G. Williamson, and one to "my dear Lucy" from cousin Maria.
Stationery, business cards, billing note, and resolution of respect, 1912, undated
Contains a calling card from Horace M. Warren, Jr.; a business card from Eldridge Dunhma and Co., NY; a business card from Studwell Brothers, NY; a partial billing note from the St. Nicholas Hotel, NY; and a resolution of respect to Mrs. J. Carmichael, January 12, 1912.
Folder 1
D.F. Flowers/ Joseph Green note, June 28, 1840
Folder 2
Joseph Green billing account Oct. 1847-June 20, 1849; Complaint by Joseph Green, Nov. 9, 1847
Folder 3
D.D. Allen correspondence, April 7, 1848
Folder 4
Mrs. Felix King, Stephen King shopping list, August 7, 1848 (1 sheet)
Folder 5
Application for marriage license-George O. Walton & Julia E. Taylor, Dec. 25, 1849
Folder 6
William B. Hale correspondence, Nov. 21, 1849
Folder 7
To Sheriff of Brunswick County from Joseph Green, 1850