Box 17
Contains 32 Results:
Letter to Rev. Watson from Bishop Thomas Atkinson, 1865 January 27
Letter to Rev. Watson from Bishop Thomas Atkinson stating that it was permissible, given the area was under control of "the enemy," that prayers be omitted for the president and congress of the Confederate States. "The enemy" was Union troops following the fall of Fort Fisher two weeks earlier.
Letter from Rev. Watson to Brig. General Joseph R. Hawley, 1865 March 16
Letter from Rev. Watson to Brigadier General Joseph R. Hawley of the Union asking to be allowed to resume church services, which had been suspended once Union soldiers occupied the church.
Letter from Rev. Watson to President Abraham Lincoln, 1865 April 12
Letter from Rev. Watson to President Abraham Lincoln, discussing the importance of separation of church and state and his general feelings regarding the war and its imposition on St. James, which had been occupied by Union soldiers. The letter was never sent, as Lincoln was assassinated three days after it was written.
Letter to Rev. Watson from Bishop Thomas Atkinson, 1865 May 29
Letter to Rev. Watson from Bishop Thomas Atkinson stating that the church should resume prayers for the president of the United States given the status of the war.
Letter of introduction to E. M. Stanton, Secretary of War, 1865 July 26
Letter of introduction for Rev. Watson to Secretary of War, Edwin M. Stanton, by former Assistant Treasurer of the United States, John J. Cisco.
Letters of introduction to President Andrew Johnson, 1865 July 26
Two letters of introduction for Rev. Watson to President Andrew Johnson by Maunsell "M." B. Field, assistant to the Secretary of the Treasury, Samuel P. Chase.
Letter to Rev. Watson from Reverend Charles H. Hall, 1865 July 26
Letter to Rev. Watson from Reverend Charles H. Hall stating that he spoke with Secretary Stanton about the reverend and St. James Church. Hall was rector of the Epiphany Episcopal Church near the White House and had Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis, prior to the war, as parishioners. Hall read at President Lincoln's funeral at the White House.
Post-war correspondence, 1868-1886, undated
Contains correspondence to and from Rev. Watson, as well as two letters from his assistant rector, George Patterson. Includes Watson's resignation letter from 1884.
Photographs, circa mid-1800s
Contains four photographs of Rev. Watson. Two are duplicates, one of which is on paper from a book or other printed publication.
Print material, 1872, 1884
Contains a printed sermon given by Rev. Watson in June 1872 at St. James, as well as the sermon, program, and newspaper clippings from Watson's consecration as Bishop of East Carolina in 1884.