Box 19
Contains 83 Results:
Page 51, 1987 May 29
Contains fragments of a program for the advisory board meeting for the North Carolina Society for Autistic Adults and Children.
Page 52, 1987 June 03
Contains a card from Hilda Lenson to her sister, Sylvia Schwartz, wishing her a happy birthday.
Page 53, 1987 June 07
Contains a flyer for the B'Nai B'Rith Banquet honoring the members who have served for 50 years including B.D. Schwartz.
Page 54, 1987 May 18
Contains a newspaper clipping pertaining to Israel's relations with Palestine.
Page 55, 1987 January 20
Contains a certificate honoring B.D. Schwartz's 50 year-membership in the B'Nai B'Rith.
Page 56, 1987 June 05
Contains a letter from Thomas R. Wells, Director of the Recreation Resources Services Unit at N.C. State University regarding the passing of the State Parks Act and asking for Schwartz's service on the Board of Directors of the North Carolina Parks Foundation.
Page 57, 1987 June - July 23, undated
Contains an invitation to attend the 80th birthday party for Peggy, Betty, and Ken's mother, a fragment of a course description for Math 101 and 102, newspaper clippings pertaining to the death of Edith Rosenfield and the announcement of the local bridge winner, and Sylvia Schwartz's club master point certificate of the American Contract Bridge League.
Page 58, Undated
Contains a letter from Leah Shavit to B.D. and Sylvia Schwartz and Max and Hilda Lenson informing them the Dr. Harry E. Wolk Scholarship has been awarded at the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology. In addition, there is a handwritten letter from Einat Ceisalr thanking the couples for donating the money to the scholarship he was been awarded.
Page 59, 1987 August 13
Contains a handwritten letter from Eugene Merritt to Sylvia Schwartz asking her to speak on the Book of Genesis at the St. Andrews Covenant-Presbyterian Church.
Page 60, 1987 July 16 - September 06
Contains fragments of programs for the Evan Memorial Bible Class at St. Andrews Covenant-Presbyterian Church in which Sylvia Schwartz is speaking. In addition, there is a notice to residents of Forest Hills that there will be filming of "Windmills of the Gods" in the area.