Box 17
Contains 82 Results:
Page 11, 1982 September 01
Contains a letter from Emanuel Shimoni to B.D. and Sylvia Schwartz and Max and Hilda Lenson informing them there was a delay in the awarding of the Dr. Harry E. Wolk Scholarship for the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology due to peace issues with Lebanon.
Page 12, Undated
Contains a fragments of a program for St. John's Museum of Art. In addition, there is a list of officials and their contact information for the National Foundation from Ileitis and Colitis.
Page 13, 1982 September 22, undated
Contains fragments of a program for St. John's Museum of Art regarding the schedule for volunteers, an invitation for a cocktail buffet for Charlie's 75th Birthday, and fragments of a letter from Linda Pearce of the Elder Hause to B.D. Schwartz asking him to stop by and observe the program
Page 14, 1982 August - September
Contains a hand drawn calendar of meetings and hearings associated with the Mental Health Study Commission.
Page 15, 1982 June 25 - July 07
Contains a press release from Lieutenant Governor Jimmy Green and a newspaper clipping appointing B.D. Schwartz to the Board of Trustees for Teachers' and State Employees' Retirement System.
Page 16, 1982 July 02
Contains a letter from E.T. Barnes to B.D. Schwartz thanking him for attending the first meeting of and providing materials for the Board of Trustees for Teachers' and State Employees' Retirement System.
Page 17, 1982 July 01
Contains a letter from New York Senator Abraham Berstein to the members of the National Association of Jewish Legislators pertaining to their July 9th meeting at the White House.
Page 18, 1982 July 09
Contains the front cover of a folder from the White House.
Page 19, 1982 August 14
Contains a letter from Jo Anne Jeffries to B.D. Schwartz thanking him for being a member of the Advisory Board of the North Carolina Society for Autistic Adults and Children and informing him about upcoming meetings.
Page 20, 1982 September 05, undated
Contains a directory of board members of the North Carolina Society for Autistic Adults and Children and a wedding invitation for Maggie Fox and Mark Udall.