Box 16
Contains 84 Results:
Page 31, 1980 June 12 - January 17
Contains a newspaper clipping pertaining to the chairman of the House Finance Committee criticizing the proposed state budget. In addition, there is a note from Lieutenant Governor Jimmy Green to B.D. Schwartz wishing him a happy birthday.
Page 32, 1980 December 31 - January 23
Contains a program for the 114th annual membership meeting for the Greater Wilmington Chamber of Commerce, an invitation for the inauguration ceremonies of Governor Jim Hunt, and B.D. Schwartz's season courtesy card for the Stewart and Everett Theaters.
Page 33, 1979 May 22
Contains a letter from U.S. House Representative James T. Broyhill to B.D. Schwartz regarding legislation pertaining to digestive diseases.
Page 34, 1982 February 01 - March 20
Contains a newspaper clipping pertaining to the Hebrew Cemetery inside of the Oakdale Cemetery in Wilmington. In addition, there is an invitation and seating cards to a dinner for Governor Jim Hunt at the Temple Beth David in Greensboro before the American Israel Public Affairs Committee reception.
Page 35, 1980 February 22-27
Contains newspaper clippings pertaining to State Senator Joseph E. Thomas' attempt to block the legislative approval of funds to expand the Wilmington port, N.C. Senate candidate Gerald G. Urban dropping out of the primary, a $600 million bond for schools in North Carolina.
Page 36, 1980 May 23, undated
Contains a newspaper clipping pertaining to a possible voter referendum on a proposed oil refinery in Brunswick County and newspaper clippings from the Baltimore Jewish Times discussing the large number of votes garnered by a neo-Nazi candidate in the Republican primary for Attorney General of North Carolina.
Page 37, 1980 June 10-26
Contains newspaper clippings pertaining to the fight for beach erosion funds between local legislators and Governor Jim Hunt, and a discussion on funds appropriated in the state budget for various local projects.
Page 38, 1980 June 11-28
Contains newspaper clippings pertaining to Carolina Beach receiving state funds to implement the much needed beach erosion project and the restoration of the DeRosset House in Wilmington.
Page 39, 1980 October 19-20
Contains a newspaper clipping, invitation, and ticket to B.D. Schwartz's testimonial roast in celebration of his retirement from office.
Page 40, 1980 October 20 - November 03
Contains newspaper clippings pertaining to B.D. Schwartz to support Harry E. Payne for the North Carolina House of Representatives and a recap of Schwartz's testimonial roast. In addition, there is a fragment of a program of the roast naming patrons.