Box 15
Contains 118 Results:
Page 71, 1979 May 04
Contains a handwritten letter from Daniel Reiter to B.D. Schwartz and Sylvia Schwartz thanking them for being the donors to the Dr. Harry E. Wolk Scholarship he was awarded.
Page 72, 1979 July 29 - August 06
Contains a handwritten letter from Gordon P. Allen to B.D. Schwartz expressing his gratitude for Schwartz speaking at the panel at the North Carolina Savings and Loan Association meeting. In addition, there is a letter from Catherine Moore to B.D. Schwartz thanking him for sending her a copy of Senate Bill 383 (education) and the role he played in getting it passed.
Page 73, 1979 May 21-31
Contains newspaper clippings pertaining to a vote on two bills related to erosion control at New Hanover County beaches and unfavorable vote of a bill requiring an election for annexation of land by cities in the County.
Page 74, 1979 May 29-31, undated
Contains original and photocopies of newspaper clippings pertaining to the General Assembly denying funding for the proposed Brunswick Technical Institute, giving credit to freshman State Senator Walter Cockerham for getting the General Assembly to pass funding on the Triad Home for the Autistic, and New Hanover County's representatives introducing a bill that would require the county and City of Wilmington to share Liquor-by-the-Drink profits.
Page 75, 1979 May 16 - June 04, undated
Page 76, 1979 May 15-30, undated
Contains newspaper clippings pertaining to various bills being considered to fund beach erosion control at New Hanover County beaches.
Page 77, 1979 May 09, undated
Contains a newspaper clipping pertaining to bills introduced to the General Assembly that will impact the City of Wilmington's annexation abilities and New Hanover County tax powers. In addition, there is a newspaper clipping from The News and Observer discussing B.D. Schwartz's proposal to have state allocated funds pay for beach erosion prevention instead of the tax payers in beach communities.
Page 78, 1979 May 16-17
Contains newspaper clippings pertaining to B.D. Schwartz proposing a bill to have state allocated funds pay for beach erosion prevention instead of the tax payers in beach communities.
Page 79, 1979 May 08-09
Contains a newspaper clipping from the Wilmington Morning Star announcing B.D. Schwartz's appointment to the Special Appropriation Committee in charge of reviewing the state's budget. In addition, there is an opinion piece from The Raleigh Times pertaining to the lawmakers who were paid while taking vacation time.
Page 80, 1979 June 07
Contains newspaper clippings pertaining to the absence policies of the state legislators and describing the House-Senate Appropriation Committee approval on funding for beach erosion projects.