Box 15
Contains 118 Results:
Page 21, 1979 December 03
Contains a handwritten letter from Jerry L. Sloan to B.D. and Sylvia Schwartz expressing his gratitude for Schwartz's service to the Wilmington community and particularly with regard to the local division of TEACCH.
Page 22, 1979 September 26 - December 17
Contains a letter from William Friday to B.D. Schwartz wishing him a joyful holiday season. In addition, there is a bill for the Schwartzs from the First Union National bank. On the bill there is a note from Sylvia: "Billfold with cash and credit cards stolen from pocketbook in New York, Sept. 26 '79, before theater in early evening."
Page 23, 1979
Contains a pamphlet for the North Carolina - Israel Visiting Scholar Program.
Page 24, 1979 November 29 - December 01
Contains a fragment of a pamphlet from the North Carolina - Israel Visiting Scholar Program. In addition, there are fragments of a pamphlet for the North Carolina Society for Autistic Children's annual meeting.
Page 25, 1979 November 26-28
Contains a letter from Jo Anne Jeffries to B.D. Schwartz thanking him for agreeing to attend the annual meeting for the North Carolina Society for Autistic Children. In addition, there is a handwritten note for Betty and Harold Highsmith to B.D. Schwartz expressing their regrets that he will not seek reelection to the North Carolina Senate.
Page 26, 1979 December 27
Contains a letter from Todd Fennell enclosing the list for the 1979 North Carolina Student Legislature Compendium and thanking him for the support he has given the NCSL over his years in office.
Page 27, 1979 May 11 - July 21, undated
Contains a handwritten invitation from Governor Jim Hunt for wine and cheese at the executive mansion in western North Carolina, B.D. Schwartz's business cards as a Wilmington City Councilman and N.C. House Representative, an announcement of the 50 year anniversary reunion at UNC Chapel Hill, and a blank postcard of a Buddha temple in Bangkok, Thailand.
Page 28, Undated
Contains an artwork print and a bill written in Hebrew.
Page 29, 1979 January 04-13
Contains a newspaper clipping from The Beach-O-Gram pertaining to proposal for an oil refinery near Belville. In addition, there is a newspaper clipping discussing the first week of the new session of General Assembly and of the fate of the Equal Rights Amendment.
Page 30, 1979 January 21
Contains newspaper clippings pertaining to committee appointments made for the 1979 General Assembly Session and banking committee members disclosing their financial relationship with banking institutions.