Box 15
Contains 118 Results:
Page 91, 1979 November 20
Contains newspaper clippings pertaining to B.D. Schwartz not seeking reelection to the North Carolina Senate.
Page 92, 1979 August 17-25
Contains newspaper clippings pertaining to funding for a beach erosion control project in Carolina Beach and advocate groups requesting the repeal of a state law relieving public schools of responsibility for educating children with special needs if they have been suspended for more than ten days.
Page 93, 1979 December 11-20
Contains newspaper clippings pertaining to Lieutenant Governor Jimmy Green seeking reelection, Speaker of the House Carl J. Stewart running for the Lieutenant Governor position, a Letter to the Editor that pays tribute to B.D. Schwartz, and the State Ports Authority considering where to expand its operations.
Page 94, 1979 December 20 - 1980 January 27
Contains newspaper clippings pertaining to a bill concerning membership on the Board of Commissioners of Navigation and Pilotage of the Cape Fear River and Bar and Lieutenant Governor James Green being predicted to win his reelection. In addition, there are fragments of a newsletter from the National Association of Jewish Legislators naming the new officers for the upcoming 1980 year.
Page 95, 1979 December 29 - 1980 January 27
Contains newspaper clippings pertaining to the ranking of local legislators based on their votes by the North Carolina Conservative Union, the General Assembly approving funds to help fight beach erosion on Carolina Beach, Garland Garrett's election campaign for the North Carolina Senate, and the an update on the opinions of New Hanover County citizens with regard to race relations.
Page 96, 1980 February 01-17
Contains newspaper clippings pertaining to Speaker of the House Carl J. Stewart's remarks about investing in beach erosion during his campaign for Lieutenant Governor and the stalling of a state-wide bond for education.
Page 97, 1980 June 16-30
Contains fragments of a memo informing B.D. Schwartz when his North Carolina Senate term ends and invitation from Jim Hunt for a lawn reception and luncheon at the executive mansion.
Page 98, 1980 June 23
Contains an Appropriation Committee Report made by the North Carolina Senate on the 120th Legislative Day.
Page 99, 1980 May 27
Contains a letter from the Mayor of Wilmington Ben B. Halterman introducing B.D. Schwartz and describing all of his accomplishments.
Page 100, 1980 May
Contains a letter from Harold Glass to B.D. Schwartz providing him the information regarding his biography in the Who's Who in American Jewry.