Box 13
Contains 108 Results:
Page 71, 1978 January 30, undated
Contains a newspaper clipping pertaining to B.D Schwartz explaining the Liquor-by-the-Drink bill at Kiwanis Club meeting. In addition, there is a letter from Donald Sneeden to Raymond Hollan asking for financial contributions to support B.D Schwartz's campaign for the North Carolina Senate.
Page 72, 1977 November 07
Contains a photocopy of a book review from The Ethnic American pertaining to a book written by Maxine Seller.
Page 73, 1978 May 05, undated
Contains a newspaper clipping advertising the North Carolina Senate campaign of B.D. Schwartz. In addition, there is a letter from Governor Jim Hunt to B.D. Schwartz congratulating him on winning the democratic primary for State Senate.
Page 74, 1978 April 21, undated
Contains a letter from Harold W. Twisdale to B.D. Schwartz enclosing a check from the Political Action Committee of the North Carolina Dental Society in support of his campaign for State Senate. In addition, there is a fragment of Schwartz's House of Representatives letterhead.
Page 75, 1978
Contains a pamphlet advertising B.D Schwartz's candidacy for the North Carolina State Senate.
Page 76, 1978
Contains a flyer supporting the Equal Rights Amendment and listing candidates who will vote no in the 1979 General Assembly including B.D. Schwartz.
Page 77, 1978
Contains a sample ballot for the democratic primary in New Hanover County.
Page 78, 1978 May 08
Contains a letter from Lieutenant Governor Jimmy Green to B.D. Schwartz congratulating him on winning the democratic primary for the State Senate.
Page 79, 1978
Contains a pamphlet advertising B.D. Schwartz's campaign for the North Carolina Senate.
Page 80, 1978 April 21
Contains newspaper clippings advertising B.D. Schwartz's campaign for North Carolina Senate.