Box 13
Contains 108 Results:
Page 61, 1977 November 01 - December 03
Contains newspaper clippings pertaining to an increase in automotive insurance rates and advertising a Good Government Forum with former Governor Terry Sanford as a speaker.
Page 62, 1977 October 14 - December 20
Contains newspaper clippings pertaining to B.D. Schwartz being appointed to the Commission to Study Credit and Interest Laws in the State, the House committee vote on the Liquor-by-the-drink bill, and Representative S. Thomas Rhoades seeking reelection for a fourth term.
Page 63, 1977 June 17 - December 04
Contains newspaper clippings pertaining to a House committee vote on the Liquor-by-the-Drink bill and B.D. Schwartz's announcement that he will run for a State Senate position being vacated by William Smith.
Page 64, 1977 December 01-17
Contains newspaper clippings pertaining to the upcoming vote on the Liquor-by-the-drink bill in the House, a Wilmington delegation's attempts to bring the Monitor warship to the city, and State Senator William G. Smith's announcement that he will not run for another term in office.
Page 65, 1977 December 07 - 1978 March 07
Contains a newspaper clipping from The Hanover Sun pertaining to State Senator William G. Smith not seeking reelection and B.D. Schwartz's decision to run for the seat. In addition, there is a newspaper clipping describing a meeting between Governor Jim Hunt and Wilmington official to discuss funding needs for the port.
Page 66, 1978 February 10 - March 02
Contains newspaper clippings pertaining to Governor Jim Hunt supporting a funding request to expand the Wilmington port facilities and an advertisement for B.D. Schwartz's campaign for the North Carolina Senate.
Page 67, 1977 December 21 - 1978 February 07, undated
Contains newspaper clippings pertaining to legislation introduced in the House on the death penalty, the primary election for the local State Senate seat, and a clipping from The Hanover Sun depicting the committee to bring the Monitor warship to Wilmington.
Page 68, 1977 December 17 - 1978 February 08
Contains newspaper clippings pertaining to B.D. Schwartz's campaign for the State Senate, the filing of political candidate in New Hanover County, and Eugene Merritt's announcement that he will seek a State House of Representatives seat.
Page 69, 1978 January 11-12, undated
Contains newspaper clippings pertaining to B.D. Schwartz's announcement that he will seek a State Senate seat in the next election and funding for the expansion of the Wilmington port.
Page 70, 1978 March 09, undated
Contains newspaper clippings from pertaining to candidates announcing and filing for local political positions and an advertisement for B.D. Schwarz's campaign for the North Carolina Senate.