Box 13
Contains 108 Results:
Page 21, 1978 January 11 - March 15
Contains newspaper clippings pertaining to local candidates' attendance at the "Confrontations of Realities" party in Pender County, an advertisement for B.D. Schwartz's campaign for the North Carolina Senate, and a clipping from The Hanover Sun depicting the candidates from Wilmington that filed at the Board of Elections office for the May primaries.
Page 22, 1978 March 08 - April 13
Contains newspaper clippings advertising B.D. Schwartz's campaign for the North Carolina Senate. In addition, there is nail file with Schwartz's campaign information included on the page.
Page 23, 1978 March 13 - April 13
Contains newspaper clipping advertising B.D. Schwartz's campaign for the North Carolina Senate.
Page 24, 1977 June 17 - 1978 March 26
Contains a newspaper clipping pertaining to the North Carolina House Representatives returning the Liquor-by-the-drink Bill to committee in order to avoid a no vote and an advertisement for B.D. Schwartz's campaign for North Carolina Senate.
Page 25, 1978 March 23-30
Contains newspaper clippings from The Island Gazette and The Beach-O-Gram advertising B.D. Schwartz's campaign for North Carolina Senate.
Page 26, 1978 March 16-29
Contains newspaper clippings from The Beach-O-Gram and The Pender Chronicle advertising B.D. Schwartz's campaign for the North Carolina Senate.
Page 27, 1978 May 03
Contains a newspaper clipping from The Pender Post listing the Unofficial Returns of the May 2 Primary.
Page 28, 1978 April 21 - May 04
Contains a newspaper clipping from the Wilmington Morning Star announcing the unofficial election returns for the May 2 Primary and an advertisement from Schwartz thanking his supporters. There is also a newspaper clipping from the Star News releasing a correction that the paper had wrongly stated B.D. Schwartz supported the Equal Rights Amendment.
Page 29, 1978 April 21 - June 06
Contains newspaper clippings advertising B.D. Schwartz's campaign for the North Carolina Senate, announcing Schwartz's primary win, and discussing a committee vote on the Liquor-by-the-drink bill.
Page 30, 1978 June 06
Contains newspaper clippings pertaining to a committee vote on the Liquor-by-the-drink Bill and the likelihood of it passing a full House vote.