Box 11
Contains 104 Results:
Page 1, 1974 February - March 07
Contains a handwritten letter to B.D. Schwartz thanking him for being a friend in Raleigh. In addition, there is a memo from B.D. Schwartz to the members of the sub-committee to study House Bill 1814 and Senate Bill 1238.
Page 2, 1974 January 18 - April 09
Contains newspaper clippings depicting the new officers for the Altoona Campus Women. In addition, there is a newspaper clipping from The News and Observer picturing House Representative Willis Whichard and B.D. Schwartz discussing the coastal management bill.
Page 3, 1974 January 16-25
Contains a House Calendar for the 105th legislative day and an invitation from Governor James E. Holshouser for a Prayer Breakfast.
Page 4, 1974
Contains a postcard from Eleanor and George McGovern to B.D. Schwartz and a Valentines Day card from Doug, Stuart, and Michael Seller to B.D. and Sylvia Schwartz.
Page 5, 1974 January 15
Contains a letter from Mike Vaughn to B.D. Schwartz asking B.D. Schwartz to give the opening remarks for a show being put on by the Tidewater Camellia Club. In addition, there is a thank you card from Edith Boocks and Joyce McLemore of the Ladies Auxiliary of the United Klans of America.
Page 6, 1973 November
Contains two pages of prose by Doug Seller titled "The Day the World Came to an End."
Page 7, 1974 January 04
Contains an article of proposed legislation to create a North Carolina Department of Services to Children and Youth.
Page 8, 1973 December 30
Contains an invitation for the wedding of Peggy Schwartz and Irwin Diemar. In addition, there is a Christmas card from Curly and Vera Shanda.
Page 9, 1974 January 30 - February 04, undated
Contains a letter from William L. Nisbet to B.D. Schwartz inviting him to attend a reception dinner hosted by the Chamber of Commerce to welcome government officials from Paraguay. In addition, there is a newspaper clipping from the Altoona Mirror describing a book review event Hilda Lenson will be a part of and an invitation from Governor Holshouser to B.D. and Sylvia asking them to join the governor and his wife for dessert.
Page 10, 1974 February 16 - March 12
Contains the House Calendar mock session, a letter from William Friday to B.D. Schwartz thanking him for his support of the university, and a statement appointing House Representatives to the sub-committee to study House bill 1814.