Box 8
Contains 92 Results:
Page 51, 1972 April 29 - May 03
Contains newspaper clippings from The News and Observer and The Hanover Sun pertaining to George Wallace visiting Wilmington, the Food Service Personnel Association holding their annual convention, and Mayor B.D. Schwartz proclaiming May as "American Business Women's Association Scholarship Month." In addition, there are fragments of a program for the North Carolina School Food Service Association's 23rd Annual Convention.
Page 52, 1972 May 03-08
Contains a newspaper clipping from The Hanover Sun pertaining to Mayor B.D. Schwartz proclaiming May 1-7 as "Respect for Law Week." There is also another newspaper clipping announcing the dedication of UNC Wilmington's Education-Psychology Building to Dr. William C. Friday. In addition, there are fragments of a program for the Southern Seaboard Region of Hadassah 11th Annual Conference.
Page 53, 1972 April 22-26
Contains a newspaper from the Wilmington Journal pertaining to Earth Week picketers marching at Mayor B.D. Schwartz's office, the moving of the Vocational Rehabilitation Center to Market Street, and the Wilmington City Council failing to make decisions on several proposals for the city. In addition, there are fragments of a program for the Garden Club of North Carolina's 47th Annual meeting.
Page 54, 1972 April 25-27
Contains photocopies and original newspaper clippings pertaining to City Manager J.A. Jones and Mayor B.D. Schwartz filling the Human Relations Director vacancy, the grand opening of Woolco department store, and the Wilmington City Council approving a land tract by Burnt Mill Creek.
Page 55, 1972 April 28
Contains a letter from J.C. Hall to Mayor B.D. Schwartz thanking him for being the official greeter at the Azalea Festival.
Page 56, 1972 May 03
Contains a schedule of remarks for the commissioning of the VHF-FM Continuous Radio Weather Broadcast at the National Weather Service Office in Wilmington.
Page 57, 1972 May 06, undated
Contains a pin, campaign advertisement, and newspaper clipping for George Wallace's presidential campaign visit in Wilmington.
Page 58, 1972 April 15, undated
Contains a fragment from African World soliciting support for the "Wilmington 12" by the Commission for Racial Justice. In addition, there are fragments of a program for a Welcome Ceremony for J.A. Thompson, President of the North Carolina Sorosis.
Page 59, 1972 April 10
Contains the cover of the program for the North Carolina Sports Hall of Fame's 9th Annual Awards Banquet and Reception.
Page 60, 1972 April 10
Contains a fragment of the program for the North Carolina Sports Hall of Fame's 9th Annual Awards Banquet and Reception including inductees Roman Gabriel, Bob Jamieson, Sonny Jurgensen, and Jim Weaver.