Box 7
Contains 114 Results:
Page 51, Undated
Contains a pamphlet by the Ku Klux Klan listing their beliefs as an organization.
Page 52, 1971 July, undated
Contains a handwritten letter from Michael Seller to B.D. and Sylvia Schwartz thanking them for attending his Bar Mitzvah, a photograph of B.D. Schwartz and Wendy Harriet Goldberg, pieces of a card Wendy sent Schwartz, and a calligraphy drawing of Schwartz's name and title.
Page 53, 1971 June 02 - November 21
Contains a newspaper clipping pertaining to the reorganization of the Wilmington-New Hanover Human Relations Commission. There is also a newspaper clipping from The Hanover Sun describing Schwartz's first City Council meeting as mayor.
Page 54, 1971 June 01
Contains newspaper clippings discussing the City Council's election of the mayor and a call for changes to the mayoral election process that includes a direct vote by citizens.
Page 55, 1971 June 05, undated
Contains newspaper clippings picturing B.D. Schwartz's receipt of a certificate by Governor Bob Scott for his leadership during racial and civil unrest in Wilmington and the North Carolina Federation of Business and Professional Woman's Clubs convention.
Page 56, 1971 December 06-15, undated
Contains newspaper clippings announcing the first meeting of the Wilmington-New Hanover Human Relations Commission meeting and Hugh Morton's announcement of his intentions to run Governor of North Carolina. In addition, there is a letter from Bertha B. Todd to B.D. Schwartz thanking him for his leadership during racial unrest in Wilmington.
Page 57, 1971 December 21 - 1972 March 29, undated
Contains newspaper clippings pertaining to use of a bidding advantage by the City Council, a summary of a meeting of the Governor's Task Force on Unrest in Public Schools, and a summary of the second Wilmington-New Hanover Human Relations Commission meeting.
Page 58, 1971 December 18 - 1972 March 20
Contains newspaper clippings pertaining to obscene literature in local bookstores as an issue discussed by City Council, a summary of the meeting of the Governor's Task Force on Unrest in Public Schools, and the visit of a member of the British Consulate General from Atlanta.
Page 59, 1971 December 02-18
Contains newspaper clippings announcing the organization of the Governor's Task Force on Unrest in Public Schools and the appointment of B.D. Schwartz and Bertha Todd to the committee.
Page 60, 1971 December 10
Contains a letter from Governor Bob Scott to B.D. Schwartz asking him to join the Task Force on Unrest in Public Schools.