Box 7
Contains 114 Results:
Page 41, 1971 December 10
Contains a letter from Bill M. Cullom, Chairman of the Wilmington-New Hanover Human Relations Commission, to Governor Bob Scott updating him on the work of the commission to create positive programs and mitigate racial violence in the city.
Page 42, Undated
Contains newspaper clippings of photographs from the Wilmington Journal depicting members of the Wilmington-New Hanover Human Relations Commission in a meeting.
Page 43, 1971 December 11
Contains newspaper clippings and photographs from the Wilmington Journal detailing and depicting a meeting of the Wilmington-New Hanover Human Relations Commission. Also included is a clipping pertaining to a James Brown concert to be held in Brodgen Hall to benefit the NAACP.
Page 44, 1971 December 07-14
Contains newspaper clippings pertaining to a meeting of the Wilmington-New Hanover Human Relations Commission, a meeting of the Women-In-Action movement, a meeting of the Azalea Coast Jaycees, a meeting of the North Carolina Licensed Practical Nurses Association, and the annexation of the State Ports Authority property into the city limits.
Page 45, 1971 December 21
Contains a letter from William H. Artis, Director of Research, Information, and Education for the United Church of Christ Commission for Racial Justice, to B.D. Schwartz inviting him to be a guest speaker and member of a panel during the Commission's meeting in Wilmington.
Page 46, 1972 January 06
Contains a letter of response from B.D. Schwartz to William H. Artis declining his invitation to attend a meeting for the Commission for Racial Justice of the United Church of Christ. In the letter Schwartz lists the programs that have been initiated to actively combat the race-related issues in Wilmington and invites Artis to attend a Human Relations Commission meeting.
Page 47, 1971 December 24
Contains a newspaper clipping pertaining to the death of Max Lenson. Also included is Daniel Schwartz's honor certificate at the Rabbi Albert J. Gordon Religious School.
Page 48, 1971 December 01
Contains a photograph of Golda Meir, the former Prime Minister of Israel. In addition, this page includes a Public Improvement and Facilities Bond for the City of Wilmington.
Page 49, 1972 February 17, undated
Contains a newspaper clipping announcing B.D. Schwartz's campaign for N.C. House of Representatives and an official statement made by him for the article.
Page 50, 1971 June 02
Contains a press release from B.D. Schwartz and John Symmes regarding the election process for mayor of Wilmington. Also included is a proclamation announcing October 23 as "United States Day."