Box 7
Contains 114 Results:
Page 31, 1971 November 17
Contains a newspaper clipping from The Hanover Sun challenging Ben Chavis' statements in the News & Observer on the racial violence between Black and white high school students in Wilmington and claiming that the violence was planned in retaliation for the 1898 Coup D'état and Massacre.
Page 32, 1971 November 14-17, undated
Contains newspaper clippings from The Hanover Sun regarding the racial violence at Hoggard High School and subsequent threats by the Rights of White People to boycott the school system. Includes a newspaper photograph of three Black men standing across the street from Hoggard. In addition, there is a memo noting an anonymous call to B.D. Schwartz's office thanking him for participating in a prayer meeting at Fifth Avenue Methodist Church.
Page 33, 1971 November 16, undated
Contains a news release from Mayor B.D. Schwartz regarding the City's partnership with the New Hanover Ministerial Association in an attempt to bring peace in the wake of racial violence and the State of Emergency proclamation. Release contains information the public events planned and an agenda for the Mayor's Prayer Breakfast.
Page 34, 1971 November 21
Contains a newspaper article discussing new representation on the Wilmington-New Hanover Human Relations Commission.
Page 35, 1971 November 24, undated
Contains B.D. Schwartz's pass to the United States Senate Chamber for the first session of the 92nd congress signed by U.S. Senator B. Everett Jordan. There is also a newspaper clipping from the Washington Post pertaining to a bill the U.S. Congress passed to extend funds to the Israel military. In addition, there is a letter from John Schwartz to his grandparents, B.D. and Sylvia, updating them on his life and wishing them a happy Hanukkah.
Page 36, 1971 December
Contains a handwritten letter from John Schwartz to his grandparents, B.D. and Sylvia. The letter focuses on John's trip to Washington D.C.
Page 37, 1971 December 03
Contains a letter from U.S. Senator B. Everett Jordan to B.D. Schwartz thanking him for supporting his campaign and the Schwartz family's visit in Washington D.C.
Page 38, 1971 December 08-11
Contains newspaper clippings from The Hanover Sun (editorial) and Wilmington Journal (Uncle Tom Says column) detailing the reorganization of the Wilmington-New Hanover Human Relations Commission and a subsequent meeting between leaders of various local groups including the United Klans of America, First African Congregation of the Church of the Black Messiah, the Rights of White People, the NAACP, and the Philip Randolph Institute.
Page 39, 1971 November 27 - 1971 December 07, undated
Contains a newspaper clipping from the Wilmington Journal recognizing B.D. Schwartz's work to reorganize the Wilmington-New Hanover Human Relations Commission. In addition, there is a newspaper picture of the leaders of the Wilmington's Women-In-Action organization and a letter fragment from Davis S. Vaughn to B.D. Schwartz thanking him for donating $100 to the Head Start organization.
Page 40, 1971 September 16
Contains a seating chart for the U.S. Senate Chamber during 1971. Senators Humphrey, Ribicoff, Jackson, Fulbright, Manfield, Ellender, Stennis, McGovern, Javits, and Goldwater's names are circled in pen.