Box 7
Contains 114 Results:
Page 111, 1972 April 13-16
Contains photocopies of newspaper clippings pertaining to a banquet for the Wilmington Lions Club and various events related to the Azalea Festival.
Page 112, 1972 March 22-29
Contains photocopies of newspaper clippings from The Hanover Sun pertaining to a meeting of the Wilmington-New Hanover Human Relations Commission in which members protest the news coverage of such meetings, the City of Wilmington receiving the deed to the old Liberty Shipyard, and a photograph of a singing group with various members of the Wilmington City Council.
Page 113, 1972 April 13-28
Contains a newspaper clipping pertaining to Governor Bob Scott and Congressman G. V. Montgomery visiting Wilmington to speak at the National Guard Association Convention. Also included are fragments of a Life Around Wilmington magazine pertaining to the 25th Annual North Carolina Azalea Festival.
Page 114, 1972 April 12
Contains a newspaper clipping for The Hanover Sun calling for the closure of the Church of the Black Messiah in response to the closure of the Rights of White People operation at a grocery store, both closures being part of an agreement made with Mayor B.D. Schwartz.