Box 1
Contains 92 Results:
Page 61, 1952 July 03 - August 29, undated
Contains newspaper clippings discussing Maxine Schwartz's graduation from New Hanover High School, her acceptance to Bryn Mawr college, and her being the recipient of the Amy Bradley medal. There is also a newspaper clipping describing Maxine being in attendance at a Wrightsville Beach Party welcoming West Point cadets to Wilmington. In addition, there is a newspaper clipping of Melvin Schwartz making the dean's list for UNC Chapel Hill.
Page 62, 1952 November 05-22, undated
Page 63, 1952 October 17
Contains a letter from E. Hedgpeth to Melvin Schwartz informing him that he has been accepted into UNC Chapel Hill School of Medicine for the year of 1953.
Page 64, 1952 November 25
Contains a letter from J.E. Markee to Melvin Schwartz informing him that he has been accepted into Duke University School of Medicine for the year of 1953.
Page 65, 1952 December 29 - 1953 February 18
Contains a newspaper clipping from the Miami Daily announcing the death of Lena Wolk, Sylvia Schwartz's mother. There is also a newspaper clipping discussing Maxine Schwartz's good grades at Bryn Mawr College and her performance in "Man Alive." In addition, there are newspaper clippings revealing B.D. Schwartz as a new director for Members of the Wilmington Community Chest.
Page 66, 1953 February 14, undated
Contains newspaper clippings, program fragments, and tickets for Bryn Mawr College's production of Maxine Schwartz's play "Man Alive."
Page 67, 1951 December 08, undated
Contains a newspaper clipping announcing B.D. Schwartz as the vice president and treasurer of the building fund for the B'Nai Israel Synagogue. There is also a newspaper clipping discussing members of the Wilmington Girl Scout Troop. In addition, there is a wedding announcement for Edith Anne Rosenfeld and Jack A. Mendelsohn included on this page.
Page 68, 1953 April 23, undated
Contains newspaper clippings from the Altoona Mirror discussing the Bas Mitzvah of Betty Jane Lenson at the Agudath Achim Synagogue.
Page 69, 1953 April 03 - April 14, undated
Contains newspaper clippings discussing what Maxine Schwartz has accomplished at Bryn Mawr College. There are also newspaper clippings, from the Greensboro Daily, Charlotte Observer, and Wilmington News, announcing Sylvia Schwartz as the new President for the Association of Jewish Women.
Page 70, 1953 May 02 - August 02, undated
Contains newspaper clippings from the Tau Heel, Wilmington News, Wilmington Morning Star, and the American Jewish Times announcing Melvin Schwartz's graduation from UNC Chapel Hill and his plans to attend Duke University School of Medicine. There is also a newspaper clipping listing Melvin and Maxine Schwartz as helpers for Loretta Berlin's Birthday Party at Hugh MacRae park.