Box 1
Contains 92 Results:
Page 51, 1951 October
Contains the second page (of three) of B.D. Schwartz's typescript for a radio address about religious freedom. There are edits made in pen on the document.
Page 52, 1951 October
Contains the third page (of three) of B.D. Schwartz's typescript for a radio address about religious freedom. There are edits made in pen on the document.
Page 53, 1951 October 04 - December, undated
Contains newspaper clippings from the Tau Heel, which is the quarterly for the Omega Chapter of Tau Epsilon Phi at UNC Chapel Hill. Melvin Schwartz is the co-editor. In addition, this page includes the Star News' Teen-Age Tattler and The Wildcat that discuss Maxine Schwartz's superlatives, vice president position in French club, and joining the National Honors Society.
Page 54, 1952 January 16 - April 19, undated
Contains newspaper clippings from The Wildcat that depicts Maxine Schwartz lighting her candle during a National Honors Society meeting. The clippings also focus on Melvin Schwartz's honor roll at UNC Chapel Hill. In addition, one of the clippings talks about B.D. Schwartz becoming the president of The Wilmington Furniture Dealers Association.
Page 55, 1952 April 04-07, undated
Contains a letter from a Monford Point Marine to B.D. and Sylvia Schwartz thanking them for housing him off base for the week. In addition, there are newspaper clippings on Maxine Schwartz that list her as a person in attendance of the Cape Fear Country Club. There are also newspaper clippings of Melvin Schwartz discussing Parent's Day for the Tau Epsilon Phi.
Page 56, 1952 April 20 - May 01, undated
Contains a newspaper clipping from the Tau Heel that announces Melvin Schwartz as vice president for the North Carolina B'Nai B'Rith Hillel Foundation Units. There is also a newspaper clipping from The Wildcat announcing Maxine Schwartz as a speaker for commencement and a poem she wrote titled "Growing Up." In addition, there is a newspaper clipping acknowledging Sylvia Schwartz volunteering to help raise money for the Cancer Campaign.
Page 57, 1952 May 11-18, undated
Page 58, 1952 May 24-28, undated
Contains newspaper clippings detailing Maxine Schwartz's commencement ceremony for New Hanover High School. She is also pictured receiving the Amy Bradley metal for her high honors. In addition, there is a newspaper clipping naming B.D. Schwartz as co-chairman of the local United Jewish Appeal.
Page 59, 1952 June 02-15, undated
Contains newspaper clippings detailing Maxine Schwartz's commencement ceremony for New Hanover High School and her win at the state high school French contest. In addition, there is a letter from W.C. Mebane to B.D. Schwartz discussing Maxine winning the Amy Bradley metal for high honors at commencement.
Page 60, 1952 June 20
Contains a letter from Champion Davis, President of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company, to John E. Motz, who is Senior Vice President of the Safe Deposit and Trust Company of Baltimore. The letter is written in Hebrew.