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Box 1


Contains 92 Results:

Page 41, 1944 March 06 - April 01, undated

 Item — Box: 1
Scope and Contents

Contains a newspaper clipping discussing 388 men leaving Wilmington for Fort Bragg to undergo physical examinations for the U.S. Army, a red, white, and blue patch with the Civilian Defense triangle logo, a letter from David Jones to B.D. Schwartz thanking him for volunteering 500 hours for the New Hanover County Defense Council, and a certificate dedicated to Schwartz's volunteer service for the Army and Navy Committee of the National Board of the Young Men's Christian Association.

Dates: 1944 March 06 - April 01, undated

Page 42, 1944 April 01, undated

 Item — Box: 1
Scope and Contents

Contains a duplicate letter from David Jones to B.D. Schwartz thanking him for volunteering 500 hours for the New Hanover County Defense Council and a letter from Kenneth S. Dale reflecting on what the Young Men's Christian Association accomplished during World War II.

Dates: 1944 April 01, undated

Page 43, 1930 September 03, undated

 Item — Box: 1
Scope and Contents

Contains a check from B.D. Schwartz for the Home Furniture Company to the Southern Bell Telephone Company and a newspaper clipping from the Wilmington News describing the wedding ceremony of B.D. and Sylvia Schwartz.

Dates: 1930 September 03, undated

Page 44, 1931 January 06

 Item — Box: 1
Scope and Contents

Contains a letter from T.H. Broyhill, the president of Lenoir Furniture Corporation, to the Home Furniture Company thanking the company for being a customer to them as a furniture manufacturer during a depression in their business.

Dates: 1931 January 06

Page 45, circa 1930-1931

 Item — Box: 1
Scope and Contents

Contains a program for the musical "Ye Merrie Ministrelettes."

Dates: circa 1930-1931

Page 46, 1929 July 25, undated

 Item — Box: 1
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Contains newspaper clippings pertaining to the bridge party hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Goldstein and an advertisement for boys sportswear.

Dates: 1929 July 25, undated

Page 47, 1950 July 03 - November 10, undated

 Item — Box: 1
Scope and Contents

Contains newspaper clippings pertaining to Maxine Schwartz's speaking engagements for the North Carolina Sorosis as well as The Daily Tarheel's announcement of Melvin Schwartz's leadership position within the Student Legislature for UNC Chapel Hill. In addition, this page includes a check from B.D. Schwartz to Mrs. Lucy B. Legrand for $23,000.

Dates: 1950 July 03 - November 10, undated

Page 48, 1951 February 02 - April 26, undated

 Item — Box: 1
Scope and Contents

Contains newspaper clippings depicting Melvin Schwartz's college honors, pursuits, and fraternity engagement. Furthermore, this page includes Maxine Schwartz's publication endeavors and speeches given on Israel.

Dates: 1951 February 02 - April 26, undated

Page 49, 1951 April 29 - August 13, undated

 Item — Box: 1
Scope and Contents

Contains newspaper clippings and invitations announcing Melvin Schwartz's commitment to the Tau Epsilon Phi fraternity at UNC Chapel Hill. Additionally, there is a letter from Cecil Johnson, the Associate Dean at the General College for UNC Chapel Hill, to B.D. Schwartz explaining that his son is in good academic standing with the university.

Dates: 1951 April 29 - August 13, undated

Page 50, 1951 October

 Item — Box: 1
Scope and Contents

Contains the first page (of three) of B.D. Schwartz's typescript for a radio address about religious freedom. There are edits made in pen on the document.

Dates: 1951 October