Box 1
Contains 44 Results:
Patrica O'Meara Robbins photo research for book, 2011-2013, undated
This file contains research Carroll Robbins Jones and Wilbur Jones compiled in the process of writing their book on Carroll's mother, Patricia O'Meara Robbins, focused on her professional success and time as an international photographer in Hawaii during the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941. Items include correspondence, document copies, photo catalogs, printed articles, personal documents, and photographs.
Berton Aldrich Robbins, Jr. - Service and WWII action, 1943-2010
Contains documents related to Berton's service record, his service in World War II, involvement with the naval ships the USS Leutze and USS Shaw, and the later USS Leutze reunions.
Berton and Patricia WWII documents and correspondence, 1941-2013
Contains letters from Berton to daughter Carroll, official documents from Berton and Patricia's work during WWII, and Carroll's correspondence asking others for information on her parents.
Berton Aldrich Robbins, Jr. - USS Leutze and Iwo Jima, 1945-2008
Contains correspondence to and from Berton regarding his time on the USS Leutze and at Iwo Jima, where he was wounded in action. Information regarding the 2006 reunion for the USS Leutze is also incuded.
Arlington Cemetery papers, 1985-1988
Contains cemetery information for the burial site of Berton and Patricia
Letters for care of Kitty, 1952
Contains letters between Patricia and her brother, Caroll, regarding care of their mother, Katherine
J. Edgar Hoover letter and communism speeches, 1947-1950
Contains a signed letter from J. Edgar Hoover, then director of the FBI, to Patricia regarding her request for material of his statements on communism. Copies of four are included, one of which is his famous speech before the House Committee on Un-American Activities on March 26, 1947.
Carroll correspondence with Senator John McCain, 1945, 1999
Contains a letter from Carroll to Senator John McCain containing a newspaper article about McCain's parents, of whom his mother was friends with Carroll's mother, Patricia.
Alexandria, Virginia, 1955-1958, 1995
Contains memorabilia and photos related to the family's time in Alexandria, Virginia, focused in the 1950s.
Opening Day - Fort Hunt Youth Athletic Association, 1980 April 26
Contains a souvenir scorecard from the opening day of the Fort Hunt Youth Athletic Association baseball team, of which Carroll was a sponsor.