Slide tray storage system ST 48
Contains 6 Results:
Slides, 1990 May-June
Subjects include: parrot, azaleas, gators at zoo, heron at lake, Herbie, old man, raft, beach people, Yacht Haven egret, moonrise, Connie Berkman’s father downtown, small gator, dredge hole, water plant, Slim, inland harbor, Blackburn Brothers, Carolina Beach surfing, and beach scenes.
Slides, 1990 June
Subjects include: Herbie, snowy egret, Slim, Blackburn Brothers, Canada geese, house, under dock, gator, Carolina Beach, lake, heron, turtle, bait shop, Splash Marine, and surfing.
Slides, 1990 June
Subjects include: skimmer, pond weed, new river inlet pier, Onslow Beach, Herbie, moonrise, Flora, Yacht Haven, fish, skippy winner, Crystal Pier, Wrightsville Beach, surfing, sailboats, preening Yucca blooms, and blacks at Carolina Beach.
Slides, 1990 June
Subjects include: Wrightsville Beach, ducklings, Crystal Pier, Jr’s Mini Mart, Herbie, water hyacinth, fish, beached whales, geese, heron, Michael and son, Kimberly’s husband, moss, and turtles.
Slides, 1990 June
Subjects include: Johnny Mercer’s pier, beach people, Wrightsville Beach Yacht Club, Herbie, Carolina Beach, Ann, egret, twister damage at lake, Henrietta, riverboat landing, anhinga, and inland harbor.
Slides, 1990 June
Subjects include: Herbie, Wrightsville Beach Yacht Club, egret, Carolina Beach, Herbie, oyster bay, storks, Calabash, John’s parsiuts, south end, beach scenes, ship downtown, Yacht House before storm, park sunset, and McDonald’s.