Wallace C. Murchison Papers
Identifier: SC-MS-106
D. S. Coltrane to Wallace C. Murchison
Digital Record
Identifier: fddf3ad8b9410c2d787eeada257b44b6d
"Defiling Wilmington" excerpt from the Raleigh News and Observer
Digital Record
Identifier: 8db1c9896341832218ba99ccf87509c8d
1964 November 05
Draft letter and handwritten notes, 1964 January 31
Digital Record
Identifier: 85fcc610c4302de7b657d8c2894406c3d
Draft letter and handwritten notes, Undated
Digital Record
Identifier: 66e79a30cce3354af0b98ab712f8b206d
E. C. Brandon, Jr. to Wallace C. Murchison
Digital Record
Identifier: 915c1bec9b0e53e3524035d263d12374d
E. M. Butler to Wallace C. Murchison
Digital Record
Identifier: bb6e6b5a2e69ae0d1d682c926bd3de9dd
"Economic and Educational Status of Negros in N.C." report
Digital Record
Identifier: 152e306944eecf71fa7dbe15cafe88f6d
Edwin E. Kirton to Wallace C. Murchison
Digital Record
Identifier: adbf495500f416d41d8d9ec07edb1999d
Eunice B. Kirton to Wallace C. Murchison and Bi-Racial Committee
Digital Record
Identifier: 818f1b4228f16fb74f4cea0273e10039d
Frank P. Byrne to unidentified recipient
Digital Record
Identifier: 3344879115029100ea0b9ad99cb801b7d