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Schrank newspaper articles, 1913 January 19, 1943 September 16-17

 Item — Folder: MC 1


This folder contains three sections of newspapers featuring articles about Shrank's incarceration and his death: 'Schrank Immured Oshkoch Asylum,' Sunday Sentinel article, Janury 19, 1913 'Assailant Who Wounded Teddy Roosevelt Dies,' The Milwaukee Journal, September 16, 1943 "Man Who Shot T.R. Dies in State Prison," The Milwaukee Journal, September 17, 1943


  • Creation: 1913 January 19, 1943 September 16-17


Conditions Governing Access

This collection is open for research use.


From the Collection: 5 Folders (Contains 4 document folders and 1 map case folder)

Language of Materials

From the Collection: English